Malamutes Excitedly Swarm Their Favorite Visitor

4 years ago

Malamutes excitedly swarm their favorite visitor. After having shared a life full of love and friendship with their owner dogs would never forget that person who was with them since puppies. Yes, that's right, dogs have memory and they know perfectly who are the people they love despite the distance and having several months without seeing them, even years. The smell for them is something that helps them to memorize and the simple presence of that person alarms their tail to show us that they are happy to see us,

Many are the cases of people who, apart from leaving their families for their problems, also leave their pets at home with the illusion that they will never be forgotten until the day they return home. Their reunion is something you won't want to miss! The dog amid joy only jumps from one side to another until then knows the smell of its owner there is an escape. The dog's tail doesn't stop moving and in surprise, the emotion is so much that the dog throws itself to the arms of its owner, Everyone is so happy, the dog in pain and joy does not want to separate from the owner as if to say missed you I wanted you so much I'm glad to see you! He is so happy that he does not allow his owner to stand, at this moment the protagonists are them two and the great friendship they have.

The dog is so excited that it lasts a long time walking on two legs, we are sure he would like to talk, but with that reaction is more than enough and makes it clear that his love is unconditional and that he really missed his owner, as if he already knew that someday he would return, Fantastic! These images are so gratifying and encouraging, once again we are witnesses of the infinite love that pets can feel for the beings they love. Let's never think that they don't realize anything, or that sooner or later they will forget us, that won't happen, they are faithful friends and will always be with us. There are cases in which pitifully the pets have lost a relative and the pain invades them, they can fall into depression and remain in the tomb of their owners, they have feelings just like humans. It could be said that many pets are even more human than us because they have more kindness and love in their hearts than many humans. We are glad that the world is full of these beautiful beings that only make our lives happy every day.

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