Huge Turtle Pulled Out Of The Pool

4 years ago

You can't miss the unexpected visit of a huge turtle that got into a swimming pool in Kandima Maldives. The curious turtle while exploring the beach fell by surprise in a pool that was near the place, fortunately some people noticed it and immediately took it out of the pool. This was a difficult task, due to the large size of the turtle and because it would not stop moving when they tried to take it out. Comparing the size of the turtle with the man who is rescuing it we can see how huge it is. This is impressive!

Sea turtles are reptiles that live deep in the sea, although from time to time the females come to the surface to lay their eggs. These turtles belong to the Cholonioidea family and currently there are around 7 living species. They can live in all oceans and are characterized because many of them are large. They stand out for their long journeys through the gulfs and some like the Lute constitute a great and beautiful spectacle that can be visualized by humans. Sea turtles have certain characteristics that make them unique and apt to survive to the depths of the sea. It is very true that they are of different sizes and with different structure and shells, the colors can also be varied. For example, the leatherback turtle has a teardrop-shaped shell that is flexible because it is composed of fat and leather.

Sea turtles are characterized for being very calm, most of their life is spent submerged in the depths of the sea making long migratory journeys. The females come to the surface with the purpose of laying their eggs, once they breed them they enter the water and it is probable that they will never come to the surface again. Sea turtles can be found in all the oceans and seas in the world. Many of them usually make long migratory journeys through the gulfs in search of better temperatures and food. Sadly, almost all existing species of sea turtles are in danger of extinction, and some of them are in critical danger.

The action of man has contributed greatly is the risk that these incredible and beautiful aquatic reptiles run, because the pollution of the seas can cause harmful and deadly damage to different turtles. Also, illegal or accidental fishing of sea turtles causes their imminent death. Many of these turtles lay few eggs, which have some predators that can prevent the small and few turtles to be born.

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