The most difficult journey in life

4 years ago

The most difficult journey in life: crossing a 5400m high mountain pass in a snowstorm, minus 15 degrees, lack of oxygen, 5 cars gradually fall down, 1 car can go down the mountain pass.After many trips to the Himalayas (Nepal), I feel that this place is not only a wonderful nature with immense snowy mountains, but also a unique culture.

Conquering the Himalayas - the 'abode of snow'
Articles and photos: Pema Tenzin10: 41 March 30, 2016

After many trips to the Himalayas (Nepal), I feel that this place is not only a wonderful nature with immense snowy mountains, but also a unique culture.
Himalayan Government - return to the 'location of the snow' image 1
To begin the trekking journey to the Everest Base Camp (EBC), climbers must fly from the Nepalese capital Kathmandu to Lukla airport. This is considered the most dangerous airport in the world with a runway of less than 500 m. During the climbing season, a few dozen flights land at this airport every day. It has also witnessed numerous aircraft crashes and crashing into cliffs upon landing, and the total trip time will usually take a minimum of 1 week if departing from Lukla to EBC. In the first trek, people will be going through the suspension bridges spanning the mountain. In the first stage, snow peaks have begun to appear, revealing the majestic beauty of the Himalayas. This is part of Nepal's Samagathar National Park, famous for its primeval forests with huge trees, most of which are pine.
Namche Bazaar is the largest roadside station on trekking and climbing. With a height of nearly 3,500 m, this is also the place for first-time climbers to relax to adjust to the altitude.Tengboche with 3,900 m altitude where climbers can watch the sunset down on the top Everest, the most common type of cattle, the yak buffalo - the largest cattle found only in the Himalayas - is the "carriage" that transports goods in these rugged mountains. People who are inexperienced with altitude shock may begin to feel short of breath and headaches. However, this is also a health challenge for those who aim to go further than EBC.
Not too difficult, rugged and easier to conquer than many other roads, the road to the Main Camp is considered a climbing path suitable for most people who do not have much climbing experience. The emotion when touching EBC is very difficult to describe. This is the first and important milestone of those who want to conquer higher. For those who wish to once come here in life, touching this landmark is an unforgettable pride. People move and love to conquer from all over the world to the Himalayas, especially in favorable climbing seasons: May 4-5 and August 8-9 (spring and autumn).
In my journey with much effort, there were times when I thought I had to give up because of the harsh weather and conditions of the trip. However, we - who cherished the dream of conquering the peak of the Himalayas - have completed our journey. Standing on a height of 5,300 m, we were moved to realize that the Himalayas are not only a "abode of snow" but also a culture of legendary spiritual stories.There are people cherished dream of conquering Everest one day not far. However, the first milestone for those who return to the land of Snow with the desire to conquer is still the Everest Base Camp (also known as the Main Camp) with an altitude of more than 5,300 m.

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