The Plus Size Model Fighting For Bigger Men | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

4 years ago

CRUSHING stereotypes and challenging norms has become the mission of a fearless ‘plus-size’ male model and stylist. Tevin Evans, aka ‘Fat Chuck Bass’, has taken it on himself to help change the landscape of male fashion and modelling by promoting a message of inclusivity. The 27-year-old, who lives in Brooklyn, says he wants to make diversity the norm within the industries he loves. He told Barcroft TV: “Why is it that as a plus size guy, you guys feel like I just want to wear sweatpants and a pair of sneakers and a hoodie? What I really want to do is put on that three-piece Dolce and Gabbana suit. I want to grab that Gucci jacket.” Tevin’s fearlessness in tackling the fashion industry’s shortcomings is evident in everything he does, whether it’s posing for photos to show off his epic looks, or building support networks among other plus-size models. He added: “The current men's fashion landscape is a rocky one. I think we're making strides in many ways. I’m one of those people that's working towards greater common good, not just for plus-size guys, but black men and people of all shapes and sizes.” Now, Tevin models regularly, showing off his larger figure unashamedly and helping style others with his unique eye for fashion. During the recent NYC Fashion week Tevin organized a meet-up for his fellow plus-size fashion influencer friends. In attendance was fashion influencer Brandon Wright, image consultant and style blogger Josiah Marston, and model and influencer Lance Franklin. Lance said: “If you look at most of the campaigns for any of the major companies for plus-size men, the models are all the same. They have the same build, they’re usually about 6’2”, they are stocky but I wouldn’t necessarily call them plus size. Tevin is representing for a lot of us guys who don’t see ourselves reflected in the plus-size industry currently.”

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