Water-Loving Pup Tries To Join Owner During Shower

4 years ago

Does your dog like to bathe or is it one of those who is afraid of water? The personality and attitude of dogs can change a lot according to their breed and training, but the truth is that dogs are divided between those who like water and those who do not. Usually, dogs that hate water generally run away from it and do not want anyone to pour water near them, while dogs that love water even try to bathe with their owners, as is the case of the dog in this video. Here you can see how an adorable dog loves water so much that he even tries to get into the bathtub with his owner, but only interrupts his bath and then walks away. It's always a good time to take a good bath!

Have you seen how your dog runs and jumps after a bath? It's funny because many of these pets show that they don't like water, but the truth is that all dogs stay happy after bathing. Why is that so? Well, think a little about how you feel after a bath. We all like to be clean and having a nice and warm bath creates a slight sense of inner peace. Your dog is no different. The skin and hair of the animal make it give off a bad smell after a few days. How do we feel when we smell bad? It is obvious that we are not comfortable. In fact, if we are not at home, we are looking forward to a bath. Although at night this is something that relaxes us, if we do it during the day, it activates us.

There is nothing scientifically proven what goes through a dog's head after bathing, but there are several hypotheses. As you probably know, not all dogs stay happy after bathing. Some are always uncomfortable. How to make your dog one of those dogs that stay happy after the bath? There are several tips and steps to follow so that your dog enjoys bathing when necessary.

Always bathe the dog during the day. If a bath activates the dog at night and can’t rest, it will be stressed and will not relate the bathroom with something pleasant. Also, dry its hair completely. Even if you need time, leave its hair completely dry so that the animal feels clean, calm and comfortable. We already know that no dog likes the dryer, but then it will thank you.

Use natural soaps. Do not choose very strong odors or products that contain too much alcohol. You may not notice it, but your dog's hypersensitive nose will. Look for products as natural as possible that keep it clean without damaging the PH of the dog’s skin or something that disrupts its natural smell. In the end, your dog will be very grateful for having been bathed!

Do you have a dog that loves bathing or is it one of those who hate bathing? We talked a little about your pet in the comments!

Clark loves water so much that he crashes his owner's shower session. Hysterical!

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