Dog Sees Itself On TV With Trainer, Does Happy Dance

4 years ago

In the next video, a dog owner decided to see what would happen if he showed a video of his dog, to his dog. This has been seen on the internet before but it didn’t have as much result as what we get to see in this clip. The channel that posted this video is called “we are dog training” which means that they are used to deal with dog and teach them how to behave. Sadly, they do not have any over video yet, but we can only look forward to see more in the future.

The footage that is being shown to the dog is a recording of him and his owner, outside on the pavement. It is not so clear what the dog is doing with his owner as the cameraman was focusing on the dog’s reaction and not what was shown on TV. He is being asked to do various tasks from what we get to see on the screen. But the most important thing is the dog watching himself doing all those tricks, he gets overly happy by that. He literally cannot stay still for more than two seconds, he is sort of crying but from happiness, the difference can be heard. His tail is swinging very fast and he also barks randomly, as if he was trying to get our attention. You can see him going to walk on the side of the house, which reveals a little bit more of the house, we can see the dog’s bed where he has a couple toys nearby. Also, when he gets to the right side of the house, we can see two things that are very interesting. First, we can see the head of another very cute dog of the same breed as our protagonist, just with the fur a little bit darker, and also, against the wall of the house, we get to see a couple pet carrier box, which means that the dog was with at the training house when he was watching this footage. It is funny that dog can react to seeing themselves on TV, they are not so different than human after all.

Also, the people that own this clip and the dog can feel proud, as they have raised awareness about what they do, while giving us one of the cutest dog videos of the year. Such a heartwarming moment !

Check out how this pup reacts when it sees itself with its 0:40


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