Coronavirus turns Canadian/American border into ghost town

4 years ago

The coronavirus pandemic has struck the world with unbelievable power and fear. Aside from shoppers panic buying such items as toilet tissue, there have also been many other drastic measures put in place to halt the spread of this terrifying virus. In Vancouver, British Columbia as well as across North America, The border between Canada and the United States has been closed to non-essential traffic. This major decision made by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S President Donald Trump, has come as a necessary measure for the two countries. Every effort has been put in place to make sure the coronavirus is not transmitted back and forth across the border.

Social distancing has been strongly suggested for everyone, to remain at least one meter ( 3 feet) from each other. Staying home unless absolutely necessary is also suggested. There are many statistics as we have all seen, which are quite frightening. The Canada U.S border is the worlds longest border between two countries. This decision is hoped to be a temporary one for the two countries but was a necessary decision. This closing for general traffic will greatly affect tourism, but not trade, or workers involved in so-called essential work. As you can see in the footage, the location is nearing a ghost town atmosphere. Merely a few days prior, the roadways were busy with vehicles travelling both North and South across these friendly borders.

Many travellers from the South head to the town called Whistler which is a world famous ski resort area, this will no longer be possible until this closure is lifted. From the North as mentioned, travellers head South to take advantage of lower cost fuel and household items and groceries. For the time being, we all need to stay safe, and look after our families. This coronavirus will be beaten. The world will return to the calmer place we knew it as only a mere few months ago.

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