Mom Fist Bumping With Baby Causes Hilarious Giggle Fit

4 years ago

Harvey the 10 month old little guy in the video loves to play with his mom and dad. During play time and lunch time, mom Megan likes to make the activity as fun as possible to keep little Harvey engaged. Making faces and fist bumping with Harvey has started some hilarious times. A fist bump is a gesture similar in meaning to a handshake or high five.

A fist bump can also be a symbol of giving respect or approval, as well as companionship between two people. Over time, Harvey has learned that if he holds his hands up, mom and dad will fist bump with him which he finds quite hilarious. Whether it is the interaction, or the funny noises his mom makes while performing the fist bumps, Harvey bursts into laughter. Seeing him enjoy his meal as much as playtime shows he is a very happy child.

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