Huge 180lb Bully Challenges Dad's Record Weight | BIG DOGZ

4 years ago

A GIANT pit bull has smashed a previous weight record at one of the US’ premier breeders. Romper is the pride of Tennessee-based ProBulls – a pit bull breeding and training company known for its huge dogs. Previously, the king of ProBulls was the 182-pound ‘Kong’, who unfortunately passed away two years ago. Now Kong’s son Romper has surpassed his father’s record, weighing in at an incredible 183.4 pounds. ProBulls owner Cullen Brewer said: “We’re more than ecstatic that Romper has finally matched Kong’s numbers. It’s only going to continue to go up from here too. I think that 190-mark is well within reach. At the moment, I’d love to see anybody else show us a bigger dog on the scale. I make no claims of having the biggest or the best, but we’re proud of what we have. And if you got bigger and better, prove it.” But Cullen says Romper is unique not just because of his impressive weight. He said: “What he produces, his bone, his head, and just the all-round perfect family member is what he’s all about.” It’s no surprise then, that Romper’s stud fee is currently sitting at $10,000 and his puppies can sell for up to $20,000. The company currently has around 25 other dogs on-site and has been running since 2004. Over the 15 years it’s been in business, ProBulls has become known for consistently producing quality dogs with large frames.

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