Golden Retriever puppies adorably try to settle for nap time

4 years ago

Puppies are among the cutest animals on earth. Many resemble small, stuffed toys more than they do living creatures. Their perfect little faces and soft, furry coats make them irresistible to anyone. Even watching them try to walk or run on their adorably clumsy legs never gets tired. We could watch them for hours, or simply pick them up and snuggle with them. Puppies melt the hearts of even the most stoic individuals among us.

These new puppies are just two weeks old. Born to a beautifully dispositioned mother, Charlotte, and a handsome father named Kevin, they are bound to be some of the most good-natured puppies possible. The breeder who cares for these dogs and their litters is a wonderful woman who treats all her animals like they were her own children.

The dogs have free run of the house and a huge country property where they can explore and play. Frisbee and ball throwing is an everyday occurrence here and the dogs have no doubt that they are loved well.

A separate room for new mothers and their litters allows them the peace and quiet they need to feed their babies and to get the extra sleep that they all need during the demanding weeks after birth. When the mothers return from a short break, the puppies swarm her, crying for milk and attention, and the mothers dutifully provide all that they need.

Breeders like this one can be found with a little research and a few careful questions. Veterinarians are an excellent source of information as they have a very good idea which breeder is equally concerned with the health of the dogs as they are with their business. It is not difficult to find the breeders who will carefully match healthy adults to produce strong litters. The same breeders will make sure that their canine mothers are not overburdened with frequent breeding or chronic health problems that go untreated.

A visit to the facility where the pups are raised will also answer a lot of questions for those wishing to buy a puppy. The dogs will have clean and roomy living quarters, lots of stimulation, quality food, and they will respond well to people. Watching how a breeder interacts with the animals will also provide a lot of information. Speaking to past clients will tell a new buyer how a breeder deals with problems and how they prioritize animal care and after purchase support. A good breeder will be committed to making sure their animals go to good homes and that hey receive excellent care.
A proper breeder will also ask a lot of questions about the clients and their ability to care for the animals. If a breeder is sincerely concerned about their puppies, clients should expect to be interviewed and evaluated just as the breeder should be.

These adorable little puppies already their forever families lined up and waiting for them. Most have already met their new parents and the children in the family. Part of the fun of getting a new dog is to watch it grow right from the first moments. A puppy is a commitment for life. It is also likely to be one of the most loyal and memorable friendships that a person can ever have.

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