Caring chicken goes for a bike ride with owner

3 years ago

The chickens love their owner, they don't care what you do to them even if you train them to ride on your bike. Nugget loves her owner more than the other two chickens, more so because she is the smaller one, and she gets left out. So the owner thought why not train her to be more of a pet. Nugget has ridden on her owner’s bike before, so the owner grabbed her bike, went and got nugget, and biked to a side road with no cars. Lots of people started to stare at the chicken and the owner when driving by and laughed. The owner didn't care, she was having a great time and was laughing with them as this isn't normal. Some people were walking towards them, but just turned around and burst out laughing. After those two things, the owner will hold her and pet her head to put her to sleep for a few minutes before going back in with her friends. She would try with the other two chickens, but they have been attacking the owner recently and are just are too jumpy and don't want to be picked up, as that is normal chicken behaviour, so the owner just leaves them alone. Though people don’t normally do this with their chickens, it is a pretty fun thing to try with one.

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