Japanese traditional Breakfast

3 years ago


Easy Dashi

10 g Katsuo bushi
500 ml boiling water

Miso soup

1 block soft tofu (150g)
1 tbs dried Wakame seaweed
1 tbs chopped scallion
1½〜2 tbs yellow Miso


Easy Dashi

Put Katsuobushi into a heat proof jar, pour boiling water over it.
Let it steep for a while until the Katsuobushi sink to the bottom.
Set a sieve on a pot, pass through Dashi and remove the Katsuobushi.

Miso soup

Put dried Wakame seaweed in a small bowl, pour cold water and rehydrate.
Dissolve miso in the Dashi while cooking on low heat.
Add cubed soft Tofu, and rehydrated Wakame.
Continue cooking just before boiling.
Ladle to a bowl and top with chopped scalliion.

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