Izzy - The Love Of My Life

3 years ago

My husband and I lost our 16 year old Pekingese, Zoie on December 2, 2019. We never had children so our dogs have always been our children. Zoie was the best little doggie ever and our hearts were broken and our lives empty without her. I swore, no more, we were getting on up in years and losing a pet was just too hard. My husband kinda pushed me by showing me pictures of puppies for sale and I had no interest. But one day in February, 2020, he showed me a picture of this adorable 10 week old puppy and her face and eyes made me do triple takes. I wanted this puppy now so bad I couldn’t stand it. My husband couldn’t find a puppy for sale in our area with the colorings we wanted so we had to drive 4 hours to get her. I was nervous all the way there-I was starting to feel disloyal to my little Zoie we had just lost several months ago, what if I didn’t find that connection when I saw this new puppy for the first time? I was becoming more and more afraid the closer we got. My husband was the first out of the car to hold her, I went around the car and headed towards them and my eyes filled with tears-I was in Love.

Izzy is now 11 months old and she has stolen both our hearts. She is true gem. Yes, our hearts will be broken all over again when it’s her time, but oh the joy and love she brings to us and we give it right back to her as well.

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