Did you know Donald Trump is only 23,800 votes away from Winning the Election?

3 years ago

Did you know that Donald Trump is only 23,800 votes away from winning the election? Mind you, this is using the vote totals that include all sorts of vote fraud favoring Joe Biden. I have maintained since election night that Trump is the clear winner, counting the legal votes. But he’s only 23,800 votes away from winning by a squeaker even if you use the crooked vote tallies widely reported by Associated Press.

Also, Donald Trump has won the popular vote in the 48 states excluding California and New York. Bet you’ve never heard that reported by CNN.

But even it you use the current electoral vote total of 232 from Trump given by Decision Desk and Associated Press, Donald Trump still only needs to flip 23,800 votes from Biden to Trump to win.

Those votes would only have to come from 3 states: Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia, to give Trump a tie of 269 to 269 with the Republican-majority state delegations breaking the tie. Ow this is only if Trump’s legal team is able to shift 22,500 votes, but with all the vote fraud, they should be able to do better than this.

A recount has already been granted in Georgia and it’s underway, but even if Trump were not to prevail in Georgia, he could still win comfortably by 273 to 265 electoral votes if he shifted 47,000 votes between a different configuration of 3 states: Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Let’s dig into some numbers.
Arizona is a pro-Trump state. With an honest count it would have been a Trump victory. With 3,330,571 total votes, the spread is only 12,000, meaning 6,000 is needed to be flip 11 electoral votes from Biden to Trump to add its 11 electoral votes.

Wisconsin has a total vote count of 3,240,601 with a vote spread of 20,544 with about 10,800 votes needed to flip from Biden to Trump for Trump to win its 10 electoral votes.

Georgia has a total vote of 2,929,616 with a vote spread of 14,000. That’s only 7,000 needed to flip from Biden to Trump for 16 electoral votes.

Pennsylvania has a total vote count of 6,701,660 with a spread of 69,140 with about 35,000 votes needed to flip back from Biden to Trump those 20 electoral votes. Note how I said flip back since it is widely reported that the Dominion software had flipped far more votes than that from Trump to Biden. Plus, many of us watched video footage of election workers in Pennsylvania blocking the vote counting view to poll watchers.

But, even if crooked courts allow the crooked count in Pennsylvania to stand, Trump still wins after throwing out just a fractional percentage of the fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona. .

If the courts rightfully give Trump Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, Trump wins with 273 to 265 electoral votes.

But we don’t just want a squeaker. We want a mandate. The courts need to also rule righteously in Nevada and Michigan. They need to flip back 19,000 votes to Trump in Nevada to give him those 6 electoral. In Michigan they flip back 73,000 votes for Trump to give him those 16 electoral votes. There are 131 signed affidavits in Michigan of cheating for Biden in Michigan so the courts shouldn’t hesitate. This would give Donald Trump the 2020 election by a landslide 311 to 227 electoral votes, and that would only require a shifting back of 150,800 votes from Biden to Trump. And out of the 160 million votes case nationally, that is only a differential of one tenth of one percent. Do you now see how tempting it must have been for crooked politicians to use Dominion software to strategically flip votes form Trump to Biden? And do you see why election officials risked breaking rules that could land them in jail to block witnesses in key areas needed to win for Biden in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan?

And finally, can you see why Democrats and their connected-at-the-hip lame-stream media accomplices are so scared? Oh, they overcompensate and act confident reporting about the Biden landslide and make up fairy tales about how key insiders in the Trump camp have already given up, ad nauseum, but deep down inside they are trembling. They know their phony polls failed to sway the majority of Middle America form voting for Donald Trump. And they know their time is limited, so they keep acting like Biden won and how Trump is blocking Biden from access to the White House. For once Donald J. Trump prevails and begins serving his second term, he’s not likely to forgive and forget the quadruple coup attempt of staging fake claims of Russian Collusion, the bogus Mueller Investigation, The Groundless Impeachment Trial, and the attempt of literally steaking the election.
My advice to the usurpers involved in any of these coup attempts, head for the Socialist Country of your utopian dreams and beg for mercy and citizenship, before Donald Trump unleashes the rule of law on your sorry rear ends.

Oh, and don't even think of reporting anything negative against your comrades in your new homeland since they wouldn't think twice about liberating your liberal brain from your literal body.

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