Can Schools Keep Parents in the Dark?

3 years ago

Do the parents of a first-grade girl have a right to know if teachers and administrators at her school are encouraging her to believe that she’s really a boy trapped in a girl’s body?

Of course. But that message hasn’t gotten through to some school administrators in Madison, WI.

The Madison Metropolitan School District, a public, taxpayer-funded education system, decided in 2018 that students of any age could take on a transgender identity with school assistance—and without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

It’s obvious why the moral duty of any school — and certainly the legal duty of a public school — is to inform the parents of children who are struggling with gender dysphoria.
And it should go without saying that parents should never be lied to about what is going on with their own children.

Do the parents of a first-grade girl have a right to know if teachers and administrators at her school are encouraging her to believe that she’s really a boy trapped in a girl’s body?

Of course. But that message hasn’t gotten through to some school administrators in Madison, WI.

The Madison Metropolitan School District, a public, taxpayer-funded education system, decided in 2018 that students of any age could take on a transgender identity with school assistance—and without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

It’s obvious why the moral duty of any school — and certainly the legal duty of a public school — is to inform the parents of children who are struggling with gender dysphoria.
And it should go without saying that parents should never be lied to about what is going on with their own children.

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