Georgia’s Suitecase BallotGate, 3387

3 years ago

I’m still reporting on the coup.
The Georgia Elections Manager Gabriel Sterling did an interview with NewsMax TV where he gave a perfectly reasonable explanation for the suitcases full of ballots being counted when everyone but the counters had left the room.
Perfectly reasonable if you ignore the facts.
First all the reporters and observers left at about 10:30 p.m. because they said they were told to leave because they were through counting for the night. Sterling doesn’t know why they thought they were through or all left. He says they were not told the counting was finished for the night and only the people cutting the envelopes were supposed to leave, because they were done, but he also said that the counters thought they were done too and had packed up their stuff. So if nobody told everybody including the observers that they were done for the night, why did everyone in the room think that was the case?
But according to Sterling’s explanation the observers and media and ballot envelope cuttters just decided to leave and the vote counters thought they were leaving also. Sterling can’t explain why everybody thought that, since he says nobody was told they were done for the night. Could it have been mass hypnosis?
It’s also interesting that the counters - the people running the ballots through the machines – which included two masked young women who looked remarkably like two Georgia Democrat State Senators - weren’t told they had to leave. Why were only the counters still in the room if everyone was leaving at the same time?
Why would they have to be told to stay, only after everyone else had left the room if no one told everyone to leave? Can it be a coincidence that two of the people told to stay had a remarkable resemblance to two Georgia State Senators? Democrats, of course!
No, you don’t have to tell people to keep working, if you haven’t told them first to stop working. Does your boss ever come to you during the middle of the day and say, you have to keep working today. No, the assumption is that you will keep working until your shift is over or the job is done. It doesn’t make any sense to tell the counters they have to keep working if they hadn’t first been told to stop working.
Then when they are told to keep working they go and pull carefully hidden containers of ballots out from under a table. It doesn’t appear this was the normal practice. In this case there was nothing out of the ordinary about everyone else - including the official observers and media - from leaving the room and only when the room was empty - except for the counters and the surveillance cameras - did they pull these containers out from under the table and when opened, were filled with pristine ballots. Of course you would want to start counting that find immediately!
This according to Sterling is how things worked, except there is a video of the days activities in the room and so it doesn’t appear to be the way it actually worked.
So then these counters - according to Sterling - doing what they had been doing all day - pulling closed containers of ballots out from under table and stacking them on the desks to be counted and then running at least one stack of ballots through the counter three times. Sterling didn’t comment on this, but one can safely assume that is how ballots are counted in Georgia because he did say there was nothing out of the ordinary about what the counters did.
Then there is the small issue of the ballots themselves, because they were being counted and the count was being recorded and during the time that these counters were working without observers or the media present the votes for Biden spiked much higher than they had all day.
The ballots that were hidden under the table all day and that weren’t counted until there wasn’t an observer in the room, had a much higher percentage of Biden votes than any other group of ballots that were counted during the day.
“It looks like a duck and walks like a duck, but Sterling is trying to convince everyone that it is not a duck, it’s ham sandwich.
Sterling also talked about recounts, but recounting the votes doesn’t mean anything. If you have 1,000 or 50,000 fraudulent ballots and you count them over and over, the count should be very close every single time. The question is whether those votes should have been counted at all.
If Sterling wanted to convince people that his story was the truth, he should have revealed where those ballots came from. He did say they had a chain of custody on all the ballots. Since these particular ballots were not the least bit out of the ordinary, except he admits they were counted without any observers present, then he should be able to say exactly where they came from, what time they were placed under the table, who put them there and why.
He won’t be able to convince people this duck is a ham sandwich unless he tells us whether it was rye or whole wheat and if it had mustard on it.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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