FBI's Spreadsheet

3 years ago

In FBI's Spreadsheet I explain how the FBI had a giant spreadsheet that they used to keep track of the lies in the Steel Dossier. John Solomon First broke the FBI spreadsheet story with an article titled "FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier" and the story was later backed up by Horowitz's IG Report.

#spygate #IGreport

Spygate The Movie (Parts 1 and 2) contains the first and second videos in a 3 part series that explains how Spygate / #Spygate is the term used to describe the fact that members of the Obama administration spied on a rival political campaign. The fact that spying occurred isn't up for debate. The only questions left are was it legal, was it justified and how far up the chain did it go.

The #Spygate or #obamagate controversy refers to several scandals during President Barack Obama tenure, notably the misuse of government agencies, media manipulation, illegal wiretaping, and domestic spying on American citizens to harass political opponents and critics. By the election year of 2016, Obama officials vastly expanded the use of the foreign intelligence gathering apparatus as a weapon against domestic political opponents. In 2013, there were 9,600 FISA search queries involving 195 Americans. But in 2016, there are 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans.

With the release of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's first installment report, it became abundantly clear the Obama intelligence community attempted to whitewash crimes Hillary Clinton was accused of and to meddle in the outcome of America's democratic processes.

Some have drawn parallels between Spygate and the Watergate scandal of the 1970s; the FISA courts were created as a post-Watergate reform. Had the Watergate burglars been granted outside contractor access to the FISA database, it would make a closer comparison. In Watergate, Nixon turned to outside contractors, the Plumbers unit, after the FBI refused Nixon's request to spy on political opponents; in Spygate the FBI colluded with outside contractors, Fusion GPS, to spy on Obama and DNC opponents. In Watergate, the CIA declined Nixon's request to help cover up the crime by deceiving FBI investigators; in Spygate, the CIA director masterminded the crime in collusion with the FBI and Department of Justice.
During a period of November 2015 through April 18, 2016, Justice Department political insiders and outside political contractors, including Fusion GPS, accessed the NSA and FBI database using FISA-702(17) “About Queries”. They gathered information on political opposition of candidate Hillary Clinton, including Donald Trump campaign officials and affiliates. NSA Director Mike Rogers suspected illegal abuse and instructed the NSA compliance officer to conduct a full FISA audit. The NSA began querying DOJ and FBI activity.

NSA Dir. Mike Rogers discovered FISA-702(17) “About Queries” were conducted by the FBI, “contractors” and “individuals”, for reasons that had nothing to do with national security and the FBI did not notify the FISA court for approval. The FISA-702 “About Searches” returned information on Americans. Those results were passed on to people outside government. Those 702 (American Citizen) results were not “minimized” and exposed the private data of the American citizens.

In addition, Dir. Mike Rogers discovered people within the intelligence community were doing “searches” of the NSA and FBI database that were returning information that had nothing to do with “Foreign Individuals”. Rogers requested a full FISA-702 Compliance Review. As an outcome of that review, the DOJ/FBI compliance officer noted FISA violations.

These ‘passed-along’ FISA-702 search results were used by Glenn Simpson, Mary Jacobs, and Nellie Ohr; “unmasked” by Obama administration officials; enhanced by Christopher Steele in the Steele dossier, and returned to the FBI Counterintelligence Deputy Peter Strzok, DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, and DOJ/FBI lawyer Lisa Page, for an “insurance policy” against the election of Donald Trump.

Spy Glass, Spy Groove, Cool Vibes, Covert Affair, Deadly Roulette, Enigma, Fast Talkin, I Knew A Guy, Local Forecast, The Bandit, Villainous Treachery, Amazing Plan, Circus Tent Netherworld Shanty, Evil Plan, Hyperfun, Iron Horse, Machinations, Fenster's Explanation, Carny's Dance, Dance of the Tuba Plum Fairy, Final Count, Americana Aspiring, Classic Horror, Dreamy Flashback, Monkeys Spinning Monkeys, Farting Around, Ishkari Love, Bushwick Tarantella, Deadly Roulette, Keystone Deluge
by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100563
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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