Keeping Everyone Posted on Wilfred's Protocol December 14, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Keeping Everyone Posted on Wilfred's Protocol December 14, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

This is Day Fifteen of our initial three-week countdown while following the Back Restoration Program pioneered by my friend, Wilfred, who successfully overcame old injuries and osteoporosis.

Three of us have embarked on this venture together, me, because of an injury to my left arm and elbow last month when I jammed into a stair railing, my young friend Shannon, who fell off a roof and broke his back this past summer in a work-related accident, and Harold, my ExO, who is suffering from arthritis in his shoulder and knee.

I got pain relief --for the first time in six weeks-- within four days following this combined anti-inflammatory and bone/cartilage replacement program. Since then, I have had no similar pain in my arm --- only the kind of weariness that comes from using muscles that have weakened from disuse.

There have been lots of odd "shadow aches and pains" in other locations throughout my body, in places where I have been injured in the past--- back, neck, knee, both ankles--- and then, it's gone, all of it. No pain at all.

While we have our attention drawn by pain to specific areas where inflammation is occurring right now, it's really a systemic condition, impacting your entire body. Those old injury sites of mine were probably still in an otherwise undetectable low-grade state of inflammation, even years after the bone injury itself had healed.

Once the overall condition of inflammation was alleviated through diet, it makes sense that all those old injury sites and any low-level inflammations still ongoing, were revisited and released, too.

The upshot after the sixth day is that I feel wonderful. My posture is effortlessly improved. Energy levels are high. And my clothes are sagging in a way that assures me that my weight is headed in the right direction.

Thanks to the helpful know-how of my Vegan friends, and especially Delisa Renideo's The Barefoot Gardener Cookbook, it has been easy to wean off dairy, and thanks to the availability of gluten-free bread and crackers, avoiding the inflammatory aspects of wheat has been simple, too.

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