Mostly peaceful Trump protest in D.C. yesterday, media, celebrities, athletes, politicians caused it

3 years ago

#FakeNews #Media #Twitter #Trump #StoptheSteal #Pelosi #Biden #Pence #Capitol #Election

A number of celebrities took to social media after supporters of President Donald Trump violently stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday to protest his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden, leading to the death of one woman and politicians scrambling to safety.

Amid Wednesday's events, authorities lost control as rioters entered the Capitol building vandalizing and trespassing, with some of the MAGA mob making it in to Nancy Pelosi's office. Four people died in the chaos.

Leading the messages was Captain America actor Chris Evans, who penned: 'I'm speechless. Just think of the carnage had they not been white. So many people enabled this.'

Along with Chris, many others questioned the effectiveness of authorities on hand, stating that the response would have been significantly different if the rioters were black. Filmmaker Ava DuVernay shared a clip from the day's events, writing: 'The language of white supremacy is a language of cowardice disguised as dominance.'

A number of celebrities urged politicians to invoke the 25th amendment - which legislates for the Vice President to take control if the Commander-in-Chief is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office' - and end the former Apprentice star's term two weeks earlier than planned.

Actor Armie Hammer wrote: 'Reported shots fired inside the house chambers. This is why we can't have nice things, you f***ing mouth breathers who stormed the capital ... It's a good thing this wasn't a BLM rally or else these a******s would have actual riot police to deal with.'

Other celebs called for the impeachment and removal of Trump, whose Twitter account was suspended in an unprecedented move, amid a series of tweets.

Sarah Jessica Parker tweeted: 'Unimaginable. Disgraceful. Shocking. But no surprise. So many to hold responsible. You know who you are. You dismissed the violent, divisive, cruel rhetoric. You made excuses. Cowards He/you are not leaders. We will try to re-build. You will try to live with yourselves.'

Chloë Grace Moretz blasted Senator Ted Cruz, tweeting: 'Look what you incentivized.'

Actor Jeffrey Wright penned: 'Hold on. You mean the 'grab 'em by the p****,' d*** joke at a Presidential debate, 'I could stand in the middle of 5th Ave & shoot somebody,' 'Russia, if you're listening,' 'I would like you to do us a favor tho,' 'Fellas, I need 11,000 votes.' guy was actually a criminal bum?!!'


A mob of angered Trump supporters has occupied the front lawn of Washington's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee's mansion as they also surrounded state capitols in Texas, California, Georgia, Michigan, Kansas and Oklahoma.

While chaos gripped Washington D.C., where one woman has been shot dead and dozens of police officers injured, protesters made their way to Inslee's Olympia home where one state trooper stood guard.

The trooper urged members of the crowd to stand back but they quickly aurrounded the building chanting and he was forced to retreat to stand guard in front of the door.

The crowd, whuch included several armed protesters, was pushed back as more state troopers arrived at around 6.30pm EST. Troopers said the governor remained safe.

Armed militia members were also seen standing guard on the steps of the Michigan Capitol in Lansing and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was evacuated in Atlanta as the President's MAGA faithful surrounded federal buildings across the country.

As armed militia surrounded Georgia's State Capitol building, 200 protesters stormed into the Kansas statehouse, and New Mexico's and Texas' State Capitols have been evacuated.

Large protests have also been reported in Colorado, Oregon, Washington State, Minnesota, Michigan, Mississippi, Utah, Ohio, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Florida, Arizona and Sacramento, while swaths of demonstrators have taken to the streets in LA outside City Hall, where an unlawful assembly has since been declared.

In Minnesota, a group also crowded around Gov. Tim Waltz' mansion in St. Paul but the building was guarded by police. 'Let’s go raise some h***! Let’s make him uncomfortable,' one man said of the Democratic governor, according to Fox 9.

Violence broke out in Washington DC Wednesday when thousands of the outgoing president's supporters breached security perimeters at the Capitol with lawmakers inside the House Chamber urged to put on gas masks as tear gas was fired in the Rotunda.

President Trump urged the crowds to go home as he said we 'have to have peace', yet continued with his claims of voter fraud and that the election was 'stolen'.

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