Did Trump Rioters Scale the Walls of the Capitol?, 3450

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup.
The violent protestors who broke down the barricades, fought with the ridiculously understaffed Capitol Police and forced their way into the Capitol building have been condemned and should be condemned.
Once a peaceful protest becomes violent, the Constitutional protection of that protest dissolves and the people that committed acts of violence whether they were Antifa or Trump supporters should be arrested and charged.
And the same is true for all the violent protests that the country saw in 2020, in most of those even though a great deal of damage was done and places of business were looted, very few people were arrested.
That has to stop. Regardless of someone’s political beliefs once a protest becomes violent, law enforcement should move to end it.
Having said that, according to the multitude of videos available many if not most of the Trump supporters in the Capitol were peaceful.
There were a couple of hundred violent protestors who came prepared to fight. They had metal poles, weapons of various sorts, tear gas, pepper spray and other chemical agents and came with the intent of fighting with whoever they faced. Fortunately for them it turned out to be far to few, ill equipped, ill prepared Capitol Police officers.
This frontline of violent protestors won the fight. The barricades were removed and the Capitol Police fled. So when people a hundred yards back in huge crowd arrived there were no barricades, there was no one there to order them not to enter the Capitol. It’s a public building, there was no security checkpoint, so they walked right in.
One video shows Trump supporters walking through Statuary Hall dutifully staying between the red velvet ropes, respectfully looking at the splendor that is our nation’s Capitol Building which is the home of the United States Congress.
These are the real Trump supporters – not these guys! These guys were the ones we were speaking about in Still Report 3437, ANTIFA Will Wear MAGA Gear at Jan. 6 Rally!
And sure enough the ANTIFA – or whatever you want to call them – were given a police escort into town in 4 small-sized white, unmarked busses – about 100 people in all – but that’s enough to start a riot if you are trained in the age-old skills of being an “agent provocateur”.
For the vast majority of the Trump crowd surrounding the Capital that day, why wouldn’t you go in a public building if there is no one there to stop you?
Many of us go in government buildings regularly. These days there is usually some kind of security, but not always and the level of security varies. Some buildings people are searched, some they are stopped and simply asked where they are going. In some buildings people are still allowed to walk in and conduct their business like they are not a suspected terrorist.
Most of the Trump supporters were not from Washington, DC and not regular visitors to the Capitol Building. Most probably don’t frequent public buildings on a regular basis.
With no security in place, no barricades, no police, no security guards why wouldn’t they wander into the building.
I don’t think they can be blamed for entering a public building that was at the time open to the public without any security. They had no way of knowing that the building was open because the Capitol Police had failed miserably at providing security. The failure of the Capitol Police is not their fault.
Then you had the violent folks who came to fight and broke into the House and Senate Chambers by brute force of numbers. Once again, they should be arrested and punished to the full extent of the law, but it’s not fair to punish people for disobeying orders not given.
It was not a coup or an attempt at a violent overthrow of the government, despite what the MSM made it look like.
For example, look at this is the wall-climbing image. This ran in newspapers and on television news shows around the world. It looks like the Trumpers are storming the gates and scaling the walls.
These are no doubt expert rock climbers – who – I dare to say are typically enviro-dem types.
I would say that not 1 in 1,000 Trump supporters would be agile enough to attempt this – primarily because we are older.
But on top of that, among that one in 1,000 who are capable, only one in 1,000 would be inclined to scale the walls of the Capitol merely to become part of a pre-planned photo op – primarily for international consumption – when they could just as easily climb the graceful marble steps of the Capital just 100 feet to the right of this shot.
Nope, the vast majority of visitors to our nation’s Capitol that day were essentially a bunch of unsupervised tourists who took advantage of there being no security to take look inside the United States Capitol that they have read about and seen on TV, but never before had the pleasure of visiting in person.
On top of that it was a very cold day outside and anyone would have gone in for a visit just to get warm.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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