No Theocracy. No Democracy. Just Republics January 10, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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No Theocracy. No Democracy. Just Republics January 10, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Our two foreign Federal Subcontractors have different forms of government, as you would expect. They are, after all, functioning under different laws and different jurisdictions and are foreign with respect to each other as well as to us.

The Holy Roman Empire functions as a Theocracy, under the direction of the Roman Pontiff---aka, the Pope.

It is a form of government based on a religion. Whenever you see little catch phrases such as "In God We Trust" and "Under God", you are seeing references to this foreign Theocracy and its functions and its claims to subject people within its sphere of influence and jurisdiction.

The take home message is that this Theocracy is foreign to us. It's not our government, even if you happen to be Catholic.

Our Founders wisely chose against establishing a theocracy as our new government, and instead placed a separation between church and state, thus providing for freedom of religion and belief in this country.

The British Territorial Government is a democracy. That, too, is foreign with respect to us, the actual Americans.

You have grown up hearing about "our democracy, our democracy"--- and that is your Territorial Employees harumphing about their democracy. Our country has never been a democracy at all.

Democracies have a very bad track record and do not provide any protection or security for individual people or their assets.

Under a democracy, if 51% of the people want to kill you and eat you for breakfast, that's alright.

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