Parrot Bird eats eats from the tree.

3 years ago

Parrot Bird eats eats from the tree.
What do you picture when you hear the word parrot? The truth is, there are over 350 different species of parrot including popular pets like parakeets (budgies), cockatiels, lovebirds, and more.
Parrots make unique pets to be sure, but there are some challenges to consider. For one thing, parrots are fairly long-lived – some species live 30 years or more with proper care. Parrots are also much different than traditional pets like cats and dogs when it comes to things like diet.

Providing your parrot with a healthy diet is essential for its long-term wellness, but finding the right diet isn’t always easy. Your parrot’s nutritional needs vary depending on the species, so you’ll need to do some research of your own to determine the ideal diet for your pet.

Though every species of parrot is unique, there are certain things that are fairly consistent, including many of the foods that are safe to feed and some that are harmful or potentially toxic.

Here’s what you need to know about safe and unsafe food for your parrot.

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