The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 52 - 01-08-21 - Captain T's Sanctuary!!

3 years ago

Sports Fans!

A new year and a whole new Captain T!!!

Well, maybe not completely new, but I'm trying to evolve, you know, improve. I'm starting with cleaning up my language. No more Potty-Mouth Captain T. From now on this channel, in terms of language, is gonna rated G for all audiences. Colorful language is OK, shenanigans are likewise to be expected. Tall tales, fish stories and outright Fishy Fabrications are a foregone conclusion. BUT, I gotta be a better example to my kids and future grandkids in terms of language.

Future Pop-Pop loves you very much my Sweeties!!!!

No darn fish brought to hand Sports Fans and it was SURE as HECK cold out there. One of those deep, damp, penetrating colds that chill you straight through to your skeleton. That said, I had more fun that any Fish-Bum ought to I'll tell ya! This is my SANCTUARY!

We'll figure out this winter fishing situation Sports Fans. Have NO FEAR, CAPTAIN T IS HERE!!!

Enjoy the pretty waterscapes and the music. I sure as heck did.

T out for now.

See you out on the water!!!!

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