The Constitutionality of a Snap Impeachment

3 years ago

House impeachment proceedings are happening today against President Trump.

Today on Sekulow, we discussed today’s impeachment proceedings, as the House is taking action on the article of impeachment against President Trump right now.

They are debating this one article of impeachment against President Trump. He would be the first president in U.S. history to be impeached twice. We’re not entirely sure how it will go next. There were reports that Republican Leader Mitch McConnell supports impeachment and is upset with President Trump. That would then beg the question as to whether Leader McConnell would join with Leader Schumer to bring back the Senate for a trial. I still don’t think they’d be able to finish the trial while the president is in office, which then brings up another constitutional question.

Right now it is still in the House of Representatives. The biggest question today was how many Republicans would join in. Yesterday it looked like there would be around twenty-five Republicans joining in this impeachment effort. As we were on the air, it doesn’t look that way anymore. Today we’re seeing Democrats getting up and blaming the entire Republican Party.

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett made the following point about why less Republicans appear to be voting for impeachment than previously thought:

"I think three things happened since we were on air yesterday that really drove the Republican votes down on this. Number one, the President has mostly stayed silent. Number two, the Vice President put out a letter saying that we need to get to inauguration peacefully. He’s not going to invoke the 25th Amendment. I think that gave Republicans some comfort. I think, most significantly, Speaker Pelosi announced her managers. On that list of managers was not a sober list of people who would conduct this in the mode that she said it needed to be carried out in. The biggest name in that list was Congressman Eric Swalwell. There’s just no way to describe that other than that she wants this to have a political dynamic to it. Look, it’s the United States of America. Impeachment is a political process. She has chosen to make it a little more political today, and in my view, the net effect of those three things, especially that last one, will drive that number of twenty to twenty-five down."

If that does wind up to be the case, calling this a bi-partisan impeachment would not really be an accurate description.

We’ll continue to give you the latest analysis as it unfolds.

The full broadcast is complete with much more discussion and analysis by our team about today’s impeachment proceedings in the House.

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