21 Ways AntiFa, BLM and Radical Democrat Party Leaders/Members Are The Real NAZIS

3 years ago

"21 Ways AntiFa, BLM and Radical Democrat Party Leaders/Members Are The Real NAZIS"

21 Ways the Democrat Party and AntiFa are a Fascist Totalitarian Regime. A fascist IS one first in their thinking, philosophy and are known by the way they behave.

ANTIFA is the modern day version of the NAZI Party That Serves The Neo-marxist interests of a Democrat Party funded by white privilege peddling supremacist Critical Race Theorist college professors and socialist billionaire George Soros who served under Adolf Hitler.

That same George Soros and network of socialist billionaires/millionaires through the Open Society Foundation supports over 2000 left-wing groups Including Black Lives Matter which only values the lives of Blacks killed by White Police Officers and other Whites in order to fulfill the objective of the Klu Klux Klan, white supremacists and Neo-Nazis of igniting a race war inside America by any means necessary while tricking Blacks into accepting an inferiority complex while Devaluing their common humanity as equals with every human regardless of race.

Democrats are currently using the term Black lives matter to allow white supremacists to hijack another civil rights movement and give the Democrat party cover and distraction while Democrat-Run Cities and policies contribute to the largest amounts of Black people murdered in America.

The same way murderous Dictators Hitler and Stalin brainwashed their college-aged young adults to devalue the dignity of human life, sought to destroy and outlaw basic evidence of their nation's past, rewrote history with historical revisionist lies, bullied and shouted down those with opposing viewpoints, attacked their political enemies by way of exposing their personal information to the public through doxxing, fixed elections with voting irregularities, destroyed non-racist historical monuments and memorials BY RADICALIZING it's college students within their socialist-run universities of the past; the socialist progressive Democrat Party inside America are attempting to repeat the history of Fascism by way of radicalizing today's college students with Marxist propaganda all manufactured by a Cadre of centralized Government-worshiping, America-hating, high-paid Neo-Marxist professors within America's Universities.

Even the very person who organized the white supremacists in Charlottesville VA, was a Democrat named Jason Kessler. He was so much a Democrat that he was a socialist Progressive who voted for Barack Obama twice, participated in occupy Wall Street and voted for Hillary Clinton. Once Hillary Clinton lost the election in November 2016, within a week he masqueraded himself as a white supremacist Community organizer and created the "so called" unite the right white supremacist media magnet AstroTurf protest event which happened in August 2017. This event was all funded by George Soros and choreographed by the leftist Fake News media in order to create the FALSE NARRATIVE that somehow Donald Trump is racist. (Even though all the people at this rally we're Democrats!!!)

The reality is that the three biggest groups that were at the Charlottesville protests we're all Organizations that support the Democrat Party platform naming the National Socialists of America (aka the Neo-Nazis and skin heads), Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic Terrorist group. Even the Confederate statue that Democrats wanted to take down was an image of the Democrat party history of fighting for slavery.

By taking down all of these Confederate statues, Democrats are merely trying to erase their own racist history from people's minds so that they can repeat it without the average young voter realizing it as they turn the illegal aliens that they are trying to bring through their wide open borders policies into indentured servants and the victims of human trafficking. This is the Democrat Party way and the racist is still a Democrat.

These protesting young adults in America ought to be angry that their college professors made them so unprepared to enjoy the freedoms and prosperity of America. These young college-aged adults should be angry that they were subjected to lying indoctrination propaganda that was literally manufactured with in communist China and Russia's own KGB for the purpose of demoralizing, weakening and destroying their own country from the inside out and design to make Russia Great again while allowing communist China to colonize America with a socialist coercive form of government.

If there is ever going to be a revolution within America it will be for young people to rise up, FIRE and OVERTHROW their incompetent professors who are only interested in indoctrinating into a life of failure, with zero Economic Freedom, and less prepared for living in the real world. These poor excuses of teachers are guaranteeing that America's Next generation of leaders will inherit a future of poverty, misery, oppression and totalitarianism by way of accepting and seeking for a socialist form of government controlling America.

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