At Each Other's Throats

3 years ago

Why the Political Left and Right have been manipulated to despise one another.

The citizens of our country are married to one another whether we like it or not. Some days yes - some days no.

Part of the being married is knowing in advance that if certain behaviours don't change our destination is inevitable. The give and take of any relationship means that we listen to one another and work together to ensure one another's needs are met.

When partners choose to ignore the other and use the government's tools to injure and insult the other party then the marriage will eventually end and you fight over the scraps.

The pieces are moving right now in real time and it might already be too late. The Urban / Rural Divide is at it's greatest extent in our history and it's trajectory needs to reverse. I prefer to stay positive and that this can be fixed with the right people in power.

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