'4 in 5' Americans 'say' US is falling apart according to sketchy poll

3 years ago

Today in the news, Rioters STORM US Capital, 5 dead; Twitter BANS Trump; Facebook BANS #WalkAway; Big Tech, Amazon, Google, Apple BAN Parler, potentially kills up to $1B company overnight; UK Black Looter Mob poser CALLS for creation of race offenders registry; Antifa MARCHES through NYC, looks like enemies in Ninja Turtles; MASSIVE migration out of communist Venezuela SPARKS anti-refugee xenophobia; ICE ARRESTS 104K illegal immigrants, 4067 known/suspected gang members, 675 MS-13 members; US House historically IMPEACHES Trump for 2nd time, Trump to be out of Office before Senate trial; BLM Antifa-Nazis ASSAULT Trump supporters in San Diego screaming "Proud Boy Killer"; Chinese Nazi Party, China to overtake US as world's biggest economy by 2028: report; Chinese Nazi Dictator Xinnie to Pooh ORDERS military to be ready for war 'at any time'; Facebook BLOCKS Rob Paul for alleged Community Standards violations, no prior suspensions; Abusive California teachers DECONSTRUCT 3rd graders racial, religious, gender identities; Facebook SHOWS military ads next to insurrection posts, PROFITS from misinformation; Far-right, BLM Antifa Nazis coordinate Capitol Hill riot, neo-nazi Richard Spencer SUPPORTS Biden; Police, FBI ARREST more than 30 Capital Hill rioters; BLM Antifa-Nazis COORDINATE 2020 Capitol Hill riots weeks ahead of time - video evidence; and more Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news and political commentary from the Intellectual Dark Web.

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