Alberta Needs a Recall - Gender Neutral Congress

3 years ago

Sun-soaked vacations show why Albertans need recall legislation

Albertans have every right to hate the hypocrisy coming from United Conservatives who locked the province down and decided to vacation abroad.

The government just plunged Alberta into its second lockdown. Families spent the holidays apart. Businesses shut down and some may never again open their doors. Many workers are taking pay cuts to help keep businesses afloat and many are losing their jobs.

Although UCP politicians are urging Albertans to “stay home save lives,” we now find out that political staffers, MLAs and at least one minister have been travelling abroad.

Why Justin Trudeau Is A Perfect Choice For A Betrayal Of Canadian Society

Within its 153-year history, Canada has always been thought of as a democratic society. Democratic theory advances the concept that the will of the public is an essential component for the decision-making of a ruling government.

Unfortunately, when applying this to over five years of the leadership style of Justin Trudeau, a sad state-of-affairs is revealed.

In a similar capacity to his father before him, three term Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, our current PM eschews public opinion in favour his personal belief system.

In terms of specifics, Pierre Trudeau had a certain “complex” regarding the founding of Canada. His issue was “colonialism”— the usurping of First Nations land by European colonialists.

A ‘broken’ system: Canadians can’t afford lawyers but don’t qualify for legal aid

Legal experts say the justice system is failing Canada’s working poor, many of whom are unable to afford lawyers and end up pleading guilty or representing themselves in court.

All Talk, No Action! Canada’s civil legal (is calling it a “justice” system a lie?) system is broken (corrupt more like it)

Canada is consistently touted as one of the best countries in which to live, but it ranks an unimpressive 112 out of 190 countries according to the World Bank’s enforcing contracts indicator. For good reason: Our civil-justice system is on the fritz.

Litigating a civil claim (e.g. contract claim, property rights claim, etc.) can take many years and cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The “Pronouns” you can’t say in Congress

The House of Representatives hopes to rewrite the rules of congress in-favor of diversity. A step towards this was proposed by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and would remove specific terms like “male” and “female” in reference to a person’s genetic makeup and replace them with one that are gender-neutral.

No longer will individuals be referred to as “he” or “she”, but rather a generic term like “person” or “human,” if you will. This comes as more transgender and non-binary congressional candidates are being elected around the country. Pelosi cites the changes as a way to “make adjustments that reflect society’s evolving views on sexuality and gender identification.”

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

Agenda 2030, touted as a solution to everything from poverty to global warming, is really a plan to empower a global governing body.

The United Nations and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country, and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive “climate” agreement recently concluded in Paris.

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