3 years ago

The year 2020 made it obvious in so many ways that we had plenty of experts in everything everywhere. You simply could not have virtual or in-person conversations with any individual or group of individuals without someone comparing their personal favorite expert’s opinion on a topic when compared to your favorite expert’s inferior, stupid opinion on the same topic. Once the conversations progressed, the conversation usually then escalated to referencing the expert’s educational pedigree along with a list of their published citations. And, usually, the final portion of the conversation, occurring before communications were discontinued for a lifetime, was the endless name-calling, the assassination of character, and other fruitful pursuits in rescuing one’s insulted dignity.
Well, I’m no expert on the topic, but I suppose they came from their mommies and daddies. They were all raised in humble dwellings by sacrificial mommies or daddies who sacrificed everything so that they could attend all the premier schools, get the best education, and get the diploma(s) on the wall to prove that they are the brightest. Or, maybe that’s not the case. Maybe it’s like the career path of Mona Lisa, as mentioned in the movie <a href="" target="_blank">My Cousin Vinny</a>, when Vinny calls her to be an expert witness in the court case. Maybe the expert learned their craft at the side of their parent or someone else that already had the skills they wanted to learn. Perhaps the expert started as an apprentice.
I hope my random thoughts on experts have served as a catalyst for you to clarify your relationships with the various experts and help you weigh how or if they will find their way into your life. I’m pretty much a certified, licensed expert in nothing, but if I can help you in any way, please let me know. If you like my writing or my reading, don’t put off following me at any of the links listed below:
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