God in the Ying and the Yang (God of the East)

3 years ago

Transcript: Yin - Yang Symbol for Understanding God

There are exactly two persons of God that we can consider to be the original creators of our universe. The Holy Spirit, or what is known as the Dao (which means the Way) in the East, is not a person. If we define a person as a being with its own mind, its own thoughts, and an ability to exercise free will, the Holy Spirit does not meet the requirement for being "a person". The Holy Trinity is a model for understanding God, it has its limitations just as the model I am introducing here. The holy spirit was directly involved with God's creation but rather than a person, it is more adequate to describe it as a force or resource with many dualistic features. It is also invisible, though it can act through visible beings.
To show you how God is represeted through the YIN Yang symbol
We look at
(Genesis 1:26 - 1:27) in helping us understand the nature of God. Then God said, “Let us make man[a] in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him.
Male and female he created them.

God proclaims that His image is male and female. The Ying and Yang Symbol references yin as the female and yang as the male. In the Yin Yang symbol, you can see that they are the same size. It was the intention of God for male and females to reach parity. However, for perhaps nefarious purposes, there are very few verses in the Bible that support gender equality compared to the Scriptures found in the other religions.

Then, we come to our next verse that supports the Yin Yang depiction.
(John 1:1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In this context, beginning could refer to the start of our universe or just before its start. The Word of God is either yin or yang as depicted in this symbol.

(John 10:30) I and the Father are One

When we look at the Yin-yang symbol, we see that it is one circle. Within the white, you can see the black, and within the black, you can see white. In deep, personal relationships, the other person becomes a part of us and likewise, we become a part of them.

Yin has become forever a part of yang and yang, has forever become a part of yin. Such is the relationship of God and His Word. Father and Son does show us, to an extent, the relationship with God and His Word. This is especially emphasized when the Word of God takes on Human Form. Jesus as a human needed the protection and consul of God more so than the Word's normal form, which we know to be the spirit.

(Genesis 2:24) Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

As humans, our deepest relationship is marriage. The ideal marriage lasts for eternity, happens only once, and thrives when love is in abundance on both sides while the couple remains faithful. In designing man and woman to be married together, God shares with us His relationship with the Word.

Like how children comes out of marriage, the unity between God and his Word has caused the creation of all spiritual and physical beings. In having a relationship with God, we become open to receiving the unconditional love between God and His Word, which in turn, teaches us to wholly love another.

(John 14:9) Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

The true relationship between God and His Word is marriage. Through the union of marriage, a person's shortcomings are complemented by their "better half". The union of two people causes each to be better on their own and better together. Even though one does not need to be married to experience the unconditional love of God, marriage that is held together by the love of God, is one will endure and one that will give more to every part of your life, in this life and the next.

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