Los Angeles Homeless - Fight Back

3 years ago

They were homeless, now they’re dead

Last year, 1,383 people experiencing homelessness died in Los Angeles County
On the first day of 2020, the unresponsive body of Corinna Ortega, a Latina woman, was discovered by a friend in a tent in Parnell Park in Whittier. The coroner would rule that Corinna, 22, died of a fentanyl and methamphetamine overdose.

That same day, Sean Austin, a 46-year-old white man, was found dead at 4 a.m. beneath an overpass in Wilmington. He died of an overdose, this time due to methamphetamine and alcohol.


Los Angeles Homeless Count Results

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority released the results of the 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which showed 66,436 people in Los Angeles County experiencing homelessness, Friday. This represents a 12.7% rise from last year’s point-in-time count. The city of Los Angeles saw a 16.1% rise to 41,290.

The report captures a picture of homelessness in Los Angeles County as it was in January 2020, the time of this year’s Homeless Count, and before the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic could be felt, measured, or responded to through efforts such as Project Roomkey, rent freezes, and eviction moratoriums.


Are Media COVERING UP Justin Trudeau’s Destruction Of Democracy In Canada?

From the first week Justin Trudeau began his run as PM— late October, 2015– Cultural Action Party of Canada sensed that Trudeau was going to be trouble for our nation.

At this nascent stage, it was difficult to tell what form the subsequent damage would take on. A few of our early premonitions were:

The demise of English Canada. An increase in the reach of communist China into Canada. The advancement of Islam within society. An erasure of national sovereignty. Punitive damages toward Anglophone Canadians. Transitioning political control to the United Nations. The decimation of democratic governance in Canada.


Justin Trudeau is destroying Canada from the inside out

(American Thinker) — To adapt a phrase from Matt Margolis, Justin Trudeau is the worst prime minister in Canadian history. Like his American counterpart Barack Obama, he is both a know-nothing and a do-nothing leader and an unmitigated disaster to the well-being of his country. For example, Trudeau's unconscionably late and incomplete response to the COVID-19 pandemic — the "19" tells us it has been known for quite some time — much like Obama's delayed response to the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, and his determination to keep an illegal border crossing open, is only the latest of his ill-gotten political escapades.


Trudeau’s Great Reset/Agenda21 Plans for Canada

Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history (besides his father). I hope he is brought to justice for his crimes against the Canadian people and his crimes against humanity. Here’s another post I did with lots more info on him as well as Chrystia Freeland and their puppet-masters George Soros and China:

Trudeau’s “Great Reset” plans for Canada in his own words:

Is this leaked email by an anonymous person at the Prime Ministers 0ffice really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? You decide. All I can tell you is it is not confirmed has gone viral- nobody has yet to debunk it. Email dated October 10/2020


Michelle Rempel Garner Says Canadians Must “Fight Back” Against Trudeau’s “So-Called Reset”

In the wake of the large-scale backlash against Justin Trudeau’s remarks about exploiting the pandemic to push a “reset” that Canadians never voted for, Conservative Health Critic Michelle Rempel Garner is slamming the idea.

In a video, Rempel Garner says Canadians must “fight back” against Trudeau’s “so-called reset,” and says the only reset Canada needs is a “new Prime Minister.”

“For Natasha – a single mom I met last week – and everyone in my community, Trudeau’s so-called reset of Canada has been devastating and we need to oppose it.”


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