Cam Kasky calls out grifter / fake victim David Hogg, good pillow, my pillow, partisan division

3 years ago

#CamKasky #Parkland #DavidHogg #Grifter #MikeLindell #MyPillow #GoodPillow

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, 20, has launched his progressive pillow company rival to challenge MyPillow CEO and Trump loyalist Mike Lindell -- but the young activist is facing backlash even from his allies in the gun-control movement.

Hogg on Tuesday announced that the name of his new company, which started as an online joke, would be Good Pillow, and the company's Twitter account gained more followers in a day than MyPillow ever had before it was banned from the service.

While his new venture was met by applause from many of Hogg's supporters, not everyone expressed enthusiasm.

Cameron Kasky, a fellow Parkland survivor who together with Hogg, Emma Gonzalez and other students organized the national anti-gun protest March For Our Lives in 2018, blasted Hogg's new company as 'a grift' and 'a cash grab' in a series of tweets.

'To those of you who marched, donated, lobbied, and called for change... I’m so sorry this is what it turned into. This is embarrassing,' Kasky wrote. 'But, welcome to America, everything ends up a grift.'

He continued: 'To those of you claiming I’m “jealous” about the pillow grift, I was actually offered free shares as soon as I started tweeting about it. I just declined because while I’m kind of a grifter, I’m not that much of a grifter.'

'I spent so much time promising people this wasn’t going to turn into a cash grab. I am applying my clown makeup with the shame I deserve,' added Kasky.

In a series of tweets quickly following Kasky's, Hogg defended his new venture, writing: 'I am more than my trauma- I am more than an activist I’m a human being that gets to decide what I want to do with my life.'

'If I want to start a pillow company to help people, feed myself and create jobs I’m going to do it,' he went on.

Hogg accused his critics of 'gaslighting' him, a term that refers to manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity.

'To all those questioning my intentions sincerely f*** off I refuse to feel guilty about wanting to help people and feed myself and pay for therapy,' Hogg tweeted.

'You may not agree with how I do it- but ultimately I know what my intentions are - to help people. I’ll prove it,' Hogg wrote.

In his announcement on Tuesday, Hogg revealed that Good Pillow will pursue a range of liberal priorities in its business, including having a 'chief progressive officer' on the team to ensure the company stays 'true to our vision'.

The company also vows that all its pillows will be 'sustainably sourced' and made in America by unionized employees.

Hogg is teaming up with software engineer William LeGate to launch Good Pillow.

Hogg hopes to compete against Lindell - a loyal defender of former President Donald Trump who has repeatedly shared unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about election fraud.

'@williamlegate and I are going to prove that progressives can make a better pillow, run a better business and help make the world a better place while doing it,' Hogg tweeted.

'We will have the name announced soon

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