IPGraySpace: Docker - How to switch from windows docker container to Linux container in Windows 10

3 years ago

IPGraySpace: Docker - How to switch from windows docker container to Linux container in Windows 10

This video shows How to switch from docker windows container to Linux container in Windows 10

1. My default docker container is windows and i don't have any docker images in the windows container
I cleaned it up for this video.

2. From a command prompt or from Power shell-type...
docker images
in my case, I should get blank if you have any images you will see the list of images

3. Open docker (installed) software, if you have it in windows show a hidden icon in the taskbar
right-click on Docker

4. click "Switch to Linux Container"

5. This will take some time

6. Go to the command prompt of power shell-type...
docker images
This will show you the images in Linux container ... depends upon how many images you have

7. Repeat the same (steps 3 and 4) to Switch back to the Windows container
Switching back to the windows container I should see zero images same as step 2

8. Switching is easy if you have the latest docker container installed.

Watch more IPRGAY videos on Docker
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to download and install Docker Container in windows
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to uninstall Docker container from windows
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install Ubuntu Linux in Docker Container in windows
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install webserver Nginx in Docker Container in windows
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install posh docker in Docker Container in windows

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