The Stones of Memorial

3 years ago

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When the Israelites stood on the shores of the Jordan getting ready to pass over, Joshua instructed twelve men to pick up stones. They were to place them in the middle of Jordan when they passed through, "where they are to this day." After they crossed over they built a monument to God with twelve stones. These stood as hard lines they crossed over forever. God did not want them going back. Those twelve stones were to also inspire the next generation following. Those same stones stand as memorial for all time, and they have the same direct meaning for us.

We need to have markers that remind us of what God is doing in our lives and how God is leading us to cross a particular line and never go back. He is leading us and does not want us to go backward, but forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. There must be clear evidence in your life that you can look back on. There must be stones of memorial along your life's path. Like the day you surrendered your life over to Christ in being born again, or the day you consecrated yourself, or the day you were filled with the Holy Spirit.

There are many hard point crossings that must stand out as that memorial of twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, and on the shore, marking where they had crossed over never to go back again. God only moves forward never backwards, like rushing mighty rivers, seasons in their courses. Like day and night that goes ever forward on and on. If you are getting ready to cross over a Jordan in your life, then begin to sanctify yourself before the Lord, and let Him go ahead of you. Keep your eyes on Him, and though perhaps that crossing over might be hard, keep in mind that He will do wonders for you. He will dry up mighty rivers for your sake. The first marker is faith, the next is when you plant your foot in the brim of Jordan, the rest is His. He will carry you over, never to go back again.
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