The Denice Gary Show 2 25

3 years ago

President Biden appears determined to satisfy Iranian demands to lift economic sanctions placed on that rogue regime by the Trump administration. Likely, Biden wants to satisfy his liberal progressive base as well as certain European nations who want to get-on with the business of making money off of trade agreements with the Islamic Republic. And despite the slight protestations by Biden's secretary of state, it will likely happen before this year is up.
But the American people can do something.
Here is my call to action: Once the Biden administration moves to initiate a new treaty agreement and lift sanctions, the United States Congress can demand that this go-around the new agreement be cast as a treaty arrangement. Treaties require a 2/3 vote by the U.S. Senate. The Constitution provides that the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur" (Article II, section 2).
There was never Senate approval of the JCPOA or Iran nuclear deal lead by the Obama-Biden team. And recall the $1.7 billion in cash payments to Iran, some of which were secretly airlifted on pallets of cash, as other monies were provided through wire transfers. And note: Following these cash payments, there was a spike in terrorism by the Iranian regime. They had the additional funds to satisfy at least some goals around the region and the world.
This is an important. Consider: The Islamic Republic of Iran has killed more Americans over the last 40 years that any either rogue regime.
Iran wants Islamic supremacy over the West. They have stated this same mantra repeatedly since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. And to do accomplish this, they have to have the resources to use jihadi armies to realize their imperialist aspirations.
With Iran's economic resources redoubled, America should know from past experience that this will fund greater levels of terrorism in the U.S., but in other nations as well. Iranian-backed terrorist groups and militias will wreak mayhem and death on a greater scale than before.
President Trump and his team worked to open a back channel of communication with top Iranian officials. The Trump administration hoped that through covert negotiations and intense economic sanctions the leverage would be there to move Iran to commit to an end of acts of terror, dial back missile development, WMD, and their nuclear weapons program.
But that was not to be.
John Kerry and Robert Malley who were a part of the Obama-Biden administration, now a part of a corrupt Biden-Harris team were working their own shadow diplomacy throughout the Trump years. As Iran was supporting plots to kill Americans, including the funding of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hizballah, Kerry and Malley and other former Obama members met with Iran's Foreign Minister, Zarif in 2017, 2018, 2019 until the Trump administration cancelled Mr. Zarif's visa.
Iranian government officials tell the world they only want uranium enrichment (needed for nuclear weapons) and nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
Meanwhile, Iran continues to threaten the U.S. by airing the following kinds of clips you will see here. Day after day, month after month, and year after year, Iran runs videos of how they will destroy the U.S., Israel, and other nations.
This week on February 23rd, Iran's Channel 4 ran a short, animated video, in which the United States flag is crushed by a karate chop, followed by a "Death to America" message.
The Middle East Media Research Institute also just aired statements by the director of the Center for Strategic Studies and International Relations of Iran and former diplomat Amir Mousavi who said that Iran would not give up any conditions for a return to the nuclear deal, but that U.S. President Biden would. He made these remarks in an interview with Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq) aired on February 21, 2021. He said that Biden would be forced to comply with the Iranian conditions for a return to the agreement.
Amir Mousavi: "All the signs show that Biden will come towards Iran in submission, and he will sign the agreement in line with the Iranian conditions. Iran will not give up any of its conditions, but Biden will. First of all, Biden right now is a confounded U.S. President. He is facing three destructive crises: There is still a domestic rift, there is still the coronavirus pandemic, and there is an economic crisis. He wants to get away from the Middle East for many reasons."
Mousavi is right.
This time let's put on the breaks. Any agreement that the Biden team seeks to enter into - DEMAND TREATY RATIFICATION BY 2/3 VOTE OF THE U.S. SENATE.

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