LeBron James gets dunked on by UTubekookdetector (gun control)

3 years ago

Uploaded a few years ago on YouTube. LeBron James says he speaks from an educated mind, but I doubt that. Better just stick to dribblin' er pumpkin little fella.

A few years ago, LeBron James ran his mouth on gun control & I slapped him down w/ the facts. He isn't very bright.

The background material

LeBron James runs his mouth about guns, is a hypocrite






Homicide data (including weapons used)

https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/ (see the relevant years for the pertinent data)



Homicide rates (per 100,000)

California 2012-17 = 4.71

USA 2012-17 = 4.86

Weapons used in homicides [NOTE: For CA data they calculated it for homicides where they knew the weapon used & excluded homicides where the weapon was “unknown.” I calculated it w/ “unknown” weapons included]

California 2012-17, % of homicides perpetrated w/ a “firearm” = 69.59%

USA 2012-17, % of homicides perpetrated w/ a “firearm” = 70.41%

Homicide rates (per 100,000)

California 1995-2002 = 7.525

USA 1995-2002 = 6.3875

California 1995-2002, % of homicides perpetrated w/ a “firearm” = 70.33%

USA 1995-2002, % of homicides perpetrated w/ a “firearm” = 66.2%

In the 2 time-frames examined, the homicide rate has fallen 23.8%, yet LeBron tells us it wasn’t that bad when he was a kid. The % of homicides perpetrated w/ a firearm are slightly-higher—is that worse?

What is this troglodyte LeBron smoking? He has no idea what he’s talking about, but he thinks his sycophants will lap it up because Le Ding Dong said it. LeBron James just got dunked on by a white guy.

Hey LeBron James, if you want to learn something about homicide, crime & pop culture, read the links https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2909861932583537&id=1400591836843895

I have data, LeBron James has emotion.

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