#104 11-7-18 Divide And Conquer - Post Mid-Terms Analysis 2018

3 years ago

00:00 KMG leaves Edmonton for Victoria
06:00 Jim Acosta loses his hard press pass to White House
08:00 Trump's first 22 months was mixed
12:00 KMG on mid-terms
20:00 Bill Kristol says demography is destiny
26:00 David Brooks in NYT: " Over the next few decades, America will become a majority-minority country. It is hard to think of other major nations, down through history, that have managed such a transition and still held together."
35:00 Bill Sammon/Fox News call House for Democrats around 6:30 pm CA time, with 90 minutes of open polls on the West Coast.
41:00 Trump thrives on confrontation
1:00:00 Jeff Sessions is out as AG
1:02:00 Q-Anon destroyed
1:08:00 No progress on Wall, no second term for Trump
1:13:00 Mid-terms death blow to Trump agenda?
1:20:00 Why no talk about e-verify?
1:28:00 At Last, Israel Recognizes Ethiopian Spiritual Leaders
1:33:00 Bill Kristol says demography is destiny
1:38:00 How did Kris Kobach lose in Kansas?
1:39:00 DT says to Democrats two can play the investigation game
1:40:00 Trey Gowdy grandstands, accomplishes nothing
1:44:00 Antifa riots outside of Tucker Carlson's home
1:50:00 LAT: “[Adam] Schiff…has big brown puppy dog eyes, apple-red cheeks and the mildest manner you’ve ever seen in a former prosecutor with a killer instinct.” Sounds like Teen Vogue.
1:52:00 Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon. CNN seems gay.
1:53:00 Homo-erotic MSM crushes on Trudeau (father Pierre and son Justin)
1:58:00 Mueller on the brink: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-mueller-russia-investigation-20181107-story.html
2:00:00 Ecce Lux joins discussion about internet blood sports with Brundlefly
2:17:00 WEHT to Frame Game?
2:27:00 Richard Spencer/Mike Enoch have taken the most pressure and not cucked, everyone under similar pressure has disappeared









Bill Kristol chortles at the browning of America: https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/1060006717239496705

Trump warns Democrats: Two can play that game https://t.co/dWbmVvgjQc



It's hard to tell the difference between Teen Vogue & the Los Angeles Times: "[Adam] Schiff...has big brown puppy dog eyes, apple-red cheeks and the mildest manner you’ve ever seen in a former prosecutor with a killer instinct." https://t.co/y9uxsGcX7r

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