Bill Maher Eviscerates America's Wokeism: We're Pathetic, and China is 'Eating Our Lunch' summarized

3 years ago

Bill Maher is the host on HBO Real Time. He shared his thoughts on our “woke culture” that is going on. There were some good thoughts. This is summarized by Lance from Redstate news written by Alex Parker. It seems people are trying to outperform one other in their wokeness. It seems there are competition on how much the left can cancel other people that doesn't agree with them out. Bill Maher’s noticed — he said as much Friday on HBO’s Real Time that while we are cancelling eachother there is another group of people watching us, ready to kick our butts. He said, “And finally, new rule: You’re not gonna win the battle for the 21st century if you are a silly people. And Americans are a silly people.” If that sounded familiar, you aren't alone. That quote was from a movie Bill clarified. “That’s the classic phrase from Lawrence of Arabia when Lawrence tells his Bedouin allies that as long as they stay a bunch of squabbling tribes, they will remain a silly people. Well, we’re the silly people now.” We all are so focused on virurtal signaling that we are not seeing what China is doing. Bill continues, “You know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss book? China. All 1.4 billion of them could give a Crouching Tiger flying f—…because they’re not a silly people.” Bill reminds us how weak we really are, in a tough way. Bill points out, “In two generations, China has built 500 entire cities from scratch, moved the majority of their huge population from poverty to the middle class, and mostly cornered the market in 5G and pharmaceuticals. Oh, and they bought Africa.” This happened in two generations. Your parents and you. But wait... Bill wasn't done. “Their New Silk Road initiative is the biggest infrastructure project in history, indebting not just that continent, but large parts of Asia, Europe and the Middle East to the people who built their roads, bridges and ports.” Should we continue to try to compete with China? Can't we make changes now to become competitive? Bill doesn't seem to think so. “We’re not losing to China. We lost. The returns just haven’t all come in yet.” For example, “They made robots that check a kid’s temperature and got their a–es back in school. Most of our kids are still pretending to take Zoom classes while they watch Tik Tok and their brain cells slowly commit ritual suicide.” Bill was not happy with how we shut down schools in USA which delayed our children's learning and continue to fall behind China. Even some colleges and universities are starting to fall into this woke and cancel culture. Bill said, “There is a progressive trend now to sacrifice merit for equity. Colleges are chucking the SAT and ACT test, and in New York, Mayor de Blasio announced merit would no longer decide who gets into the schools for advanced learners, but rather a lottery system.” Even Stanford’s new research lab said, “Perhaps no institution has reproduced racial hierarchy in the U.S. more than our public education system. From state-sponsored racial segregation of schools to the more subtle, but no less insidious racially segregated academic placements (e.g., special education, advanced placement) to exclusionary school discipline policies to ostensibly “meritocratic” testing and grading policies and beyond, public schools have created and perpetuated racial hierarchy, despite the promise that schools should help all children achieve the American Dream. “ With the whiteness woke going around such as “how white are you?” or the white scale thing you probably saw going around. We can see so many examples of our cancel culture and wokeness causing us to not see what is happening. What is the big deal with those examples? Let me now get to Bill's point here. “You think China’s doing that? Letting political correctness get in the way of nurturing their best and brightest? You think Chinese colleges are offering courses in The Philosophy of Star Trek, The Sociology of Seinfeld, and Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse? Those are real, and so is China. And they are eating our lunch. And believe me — in an hour…they’ll be hungry again.”
As long as we continue to cancel everything out, China is on a steady progress in taking over everything else. Can we stop them? Bill implies that we can't. It's already too late. I don't want to agree with Bill, but what can we do? He is speaking the truth in what he sees. Will we ever get out of this nose dive? Time shall tell...

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