Supply-Side Economics

3 years ago

Supply-side economics has been ridiculed as "trickle down" economics by the left. It shows they don't know what it is or, as usual, are making things up.(see lying) Nothing "trickles down." Taxes are cut across-the-board, more money gets into the pockets of the citizenry and the economy grows benefiting all income levels. Works every time. Supply-side economics is also called tax cuts for the rich. However, after every major tax cut of the last hundred years, the "rich" have paid more in taxes after their taxes were cut because of the always corresponding economic growth. So if the left really wants to soak the rich, they should favor cutting their taxes.
Supply-side economic is simply common sense economics. People know much better what to do with THEIR money than government does.
After the across-the-board tax cuts of Presidents Harding, Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump, an economic boom followed with millions of jobs created, Treasury revenues dramatically increased and the "rich," as a whole, paid much more in taxes. Again, it works every time.
What the left really hates, including the media, is the citizenry improving their lives without its beloved government. They want to make people wards of the state. A strong economy gets in the way of it. The only time the left supposedly cares about the deficit and debt is when they can try to make the claim that tax cuts cause them. Tax cuts increase Treasury revenues, it's out of control spending that causes deficits.

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