Major Scale Soloing Guitar Lessons for Beginners [How to Play Riffs]

3 years ago

This Major Scale Soloing Guitar Lessons for Beginners video will show how to solo and play riffs.

Lesson Plan [Major Scale Box Pattern for Guitar]

Lesson Plan [Major Scale Guitar Riff for Beginners]

Guitar Lessons for Beginners Playlist

Guitar Songs for Beginners Lesson Playlist

Major Scale Guitar Lessons for Beginners [How to Play Solo Riffs]
0:00 Lesson Intro
0:39 Major Scale Box Pattern for Guitar
4:38 Major Scale Box Pattern Review (slow)
5:11 Moveable Box Patterns [How to Play Keys Guitar Scales]
5:55 Associating Moods with Guitar Scales
7:17 The Major Scale Riff
10:50 Combining Major Scale Riffs
11:55 'Low-Strings' Major Scale Riff
13:49 How to Play Major Scale Guitar Riffs with Rhythm
14:19 Rhythm Guitar Backing in 'A' [with riffs]
15:06 Rhythm Guitar Backing Track in 'A' [no riffs]
15:53 Moveable Guitar Riffs
16:41 Change Running Order of RIffs
17:44 Rhythm Guitar Backing Track in 'C'
18:57 Lesson Review

The Happy Mood of the Major Scale for Guitar
The Major scale can be described as having a pleasant or ‘happy’ tone or mood in its overall sound.
Rather than the traditional method of learning the Major scale in its chronological order (‘Do, re, mi’...
etc.), this lesson will instead focus more on capturing the intended mood of the scale. This will be done
by learning to play various riffs within a specific box pattern which also ‘fits’ well with the fretting hand.

Major Scale Box Pattern for Guitar
A box pattern for guitar is essentially an 'aerial view’
of the major scale going across the six strings. There
are several box patterns to play the Major scale on guitar, however
this box pattern in this lesson will be referred the standard major
scale box pattern.

Associating Moods with Scales
One advantage to learning the Major scale box pattern on guitar is that the intended ‘happy’ mood of the
major scale can clearly be heard, especially when compared to learning more standard major scale exercises
such as the ‘Do, Re, Mi...’ approach. Associating moods with scales develops the ability to learn songs
and melodies ‘by ear’. In time, by simply recognizing the mood of a guitar solo as being either happy
or pleasant, a guitarist can associate that mood with the Major scale and immediately begin to ‘jam, solo,
or improvise along with the backing rhythm without having to rely on any sort of written notation.

The Major scale box pattern for guitar is moveable, meaning the same pattern
can be played along any fret position or key on guitar. All that needs
to be known is the letter name of the bottom (sixth) string that begins
the box pattern to determine the key. For example, the Major scale
box pattern played along the fifth fret is in the Key of ‘A’ Major
because the first note played (sixth string/fifth fret) is an ‘A’ note.
Shifting the same major scale box pattern up one fret results in the
Key of ‘Bb’ Major being played.

Major Scale Riffs for Guitar Lesson
A riff can be described as a sort of ‘musical sentence’, and in order to improvise with the Major scale, a
musical vocabulary needs to be developed by copying and memorizing collection of standard riffs. There
are many riffs that have been passed on from generation to generation of guitarists, and some of these
standard Major scale riffs will be presented in this guitar lesson for beginners.

‘The Major Scale Riff’ is named so specifically for this lesson, but this guitar riff has been around for years and
variations of it are heard in many classic songs. 'The Major Scale Riff' is played in the Key of ‘A’ Major,
using notes from the ‘A’ Major scale box pattern. Various techniques are applied in this major scale guitar riff, including
hammering, pulling-off, and vibrato techniques.

Paluzzi Guitar
The objective of the Paluzzi Guitar video series is to help establish a foundation of guitar fundamentals by applying various playing techniques (rhythm, fingerstyle, and soloing) to various styles of music. The more playing styles and techniques a guitarist can learn, the more diverse and self-sufficient a guitarist will become. A self-sufficient guitarist can then teach themselves, communicate with other musicians, and even write their own music once a solid foundation of fundamentals is established.

The Creative Guitarist Method Series was written and designed by Kevin J. Paluzzi of Paluzzi Guitar Instruction in San Diego, CA. For more information on private lessons and books, go to:

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