Confusion Regarding Fraud March 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Confusion Regarding Fraud March 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The spell-binding effect of the fraud and confusion is self-evident as indoctrination -- the many assumptions that we all consciously and unconsciously embrace as a means to navigate day to day.
In this country, many people assume that they are Americans and some form of "US Citizen" at the same time. We routinely accept such things as Daylight Savings Time. We stand in lines. We answer police questions. We endorse checks without limitations. We skip over the details of history, if we pay attention to history at all.
We are all so busy just dealing with life, paying bills, working, trying to raise families ---- that the shortest line between Point A and Point B and the simplest possible explanation always seems to be the preferable answer, even if it's not the right answer.
Many people are trying to recapture the funds that were raised by bonding their name and "monetizing" it --- without realizing that securitization of living flesh is a crime, and without realizing that for them, those bonds are not profits. They are debts that unlawfully convert free men and women into indentured servants.
The profit from this illegal trade which is a form of human trafficking, was long ago eaten up by the Perpetrators and Expediters --- the Depository Trust Company Corporation, which securitized the Birth Certificate associated with your birth event and issued the bonds, the Bank of New York Mellon which received the funds from the bond sales, the Vatican Bank which took its cut off the top, the Bank of Canada which took the Queen's cut, before returning the rest of the plunder to the Federal Reserve Banks --- which they then loaned out under the fraud of fractional reserve banking to create (and attach) even more debt to the phony Municipal CORPORATION, which was also constructed under conditions of fraud and used to "stand for you" as a public slave.

The spell-binding effect of the fraud and confusion is self-evident as indoctrination -- the many assumptions that we all consciously and unconsciously embrace as a means to navigate day to day.
In this country, many people assume that they are Americans and some form of "US Citizen" at the same time. We routinely accept such things as Daylight Savings Time. We stand in lines. We answer police questions. We endorse checks without limitations. We skip over the details of history, if we pay attention to history at all.
We are all so busy just dealing with life, paying bills, working, trying to raise families ---- that the shortest line between Point A and Point B and the simplest possible explanation always seems to be the preferable answer, even if it's not the right answer.
Many people are trying to recapture the funds that were raised by bonding their name and "monetizing" it --- without realizing that securitization of living flesh is a crime, and without realizing that for them, those bonds are not profits. They are debts that unlawfully convert free men and women into indentured servants.
The profit from this illegal trade which is a form of human trafficking, was long ago eaten up by the Perpetrators and Expediters --- the Depository Trust Company Corporation, which securitized the Birth Certificate associated with your birth event and issued the bonds, the Bank of New York Mellon which received the funds from the bond sales, the Vatican Bank which took its cut off the top, the Bank of Canada which took the Queen's cut, before returning the rest of the plunder to the Federal Reserve Banks --- which they then loaned out under the fraud of fractional reserve banking to create (and attach) even more debt to the phony Municipal CORPORATION, which was also constructed under conditions of fraud and used to "stand for you" as a public slave.

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