Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp March 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp March 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I can't remember if it was from Little Abner or some other comic strip back in the day, but firmly ensconced in my child-mind is the image of "Aunt Mammy-Whammy Big Swamp", the soothsayer of soothsayers, prognosticator of prognosticators, voo-doo mistress of the night.... only a little less famous than the Groundhog of Punxsutawney.
She usually had a crystal ball with her.
If she were here with us today, she'd look into her crystal ball to forecast the fate of the "U.S. Dollar" --- and here's what the report would be.
First of all, that "U.S. Dollar" isn't your "U.S. Dollar".
It's another "U.S. Dollar" used in international trade, and it's otherwise known as the "Petrodollar". It is an asset-backed currency, and, obviously, petroleum is the asset, together with petroleum-based products, backing this "Dollar".
That "U.S. Dollar" is going to be taking a beating and so are all the economies dependent on it, because too many people now know the secret of free energy.
Sooner or later, a large share of the market and demand for petroleum is going to "adjust downward" as the percentage of the demand dedicated to generating power --- all the coal and oil and gas powered power plants -- disappears.
In advance of this inevitability, those dependent on petroleum are scrambling like cockroaches in a summer kitchen.
There will remain a need for petroleum and petroleum based products --- the many plastics and lubricants and other petroleum-based products that make up part of the market now will continue to exist and make the transition for the oil industry ---- and the U.S. Dollar -- a more gradual affair than an outright collapse.
The market won't just disappear overnight like the market for whale oil, but even that remaining portion will be eroded by cheaper to produce renewable agricultural alternatives like hemp oil.
Inexorably, the cost of production versus demand and the growth of alternative means of generating hydrocarbons, will nibble away at even this last bastion market of Big Oil.
Ever wonder why the push for Electric Cars? It isn't to save us from exhaust fumes, because the fumes that don't come from our cars are offset by the increase in emissions that do come from the power plants that are producing the electricity being used as fuel for electric cars.
You see the problem --- and the answer --- that they are trying to sell.

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