2017-12-30 ○ Michael and Gabriel and the Coming of the Lord

3 years ago

Cyrus Decree https://youtu.be/NexWmOAnww0 - VIDEO: The Cyrus Decree and Scroll Nov 23, 2017
Lamb reigns 1260 Days https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: Lamb reigns 1260 days
Little horn https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: Obama - little (mitstse‛ı̂yrâh) horn of Dan8
2 Camps working together https://youtu.be/28fAHrpOTuU - VIDEO: Mahanaim - 2 Camps ◇ House of David Pt 16 Jan 15, 2015
C: Thank you for the teaching brother Leeland! I believe the 2nd angel in Revelation 14 who announces that Babylon is fallen is fallen, who comes from the golden altar and has power over fire, who offers the incense with the prayers of all saints on the golden altar and then takes fire from the altar and pours it on the earth in Revelation 8:2-5, and who descends from heaven and brightens the earth in Revelation 18:1-3 is none other than Gabriel because of his connection to the altar of incense in Luke 1. Gabriel may be the seraphim in Isaiah 6 who takes the coal from the golden altar in that vision. I just finished the 6th part of the series “when the temple in heaven is opened everything changes” . If the Lord leads you to take a look, here is the link: https://youtu.be/NEIruOqrFHs
R: Well, the "altar" is not always the same thing. There is an altar of incense and an altar of sacrifice. The latter has the voices Rev 6:9, 9:13, 14:18 and 16:7. And it has 4 horns Zech 1:18, Rev 9:13. The altar of incense is in Rev 8 and also attended by the 24 elders with their bowls. These have the "prayers of the saints."
The seraphim are a whole other class of angel entirely different from Gabriel. The coal is also observed in Ezek 10:2 which is cast over the city.
C: I looked at those scriptures brother Leeland and they all appear to be the Altar of Incense. The altar of sacrifice was outside of the temple on the earth. Hence why there is no altar of sacrifice mentioned as existing inside the temple in heaven. I believe the souls of those crying under the altar is connected with the Altar of incense because they are "crying" which means they are "praying" for God to avenge their blood. The altar of incense is connected to prayers and the prayers of "all saints" go up before God upon the altar of incense when the Angel in Revelation 8 does his temple service. I believe the 24 elders give their censors, which they have in Revelation 5, to the angel in Revelation 8 right after the lamb takes the 7 sealed scroll; in order to offer the prayers of the 24 elders, which are the prayers of the saints, upon the Golden altar which rises with the prayers of the souls under the Altar in order to begin the vengeance and judgment that comes at the time the tribulation begins. The answer to the prayers of "all saints" that are offered up on the Golden Altar in Revelation 8:2-5 which include the prayers of the saints in the 5th seal are answered in Revelation 19:2 when those in heaven rejoice that Babylon has been judged and the blood of the servants of God has been avenged. The same greek word for "avenge" is used in Revelation 6:9 and Revelation 19:2. This connection happens because Babylon falls at the beginning of the tribulation when the Temple in heaven is opened by the Angel in Revelation 8:2-5 as he performs the same ritual as the High Priest did in Leviticus 16. When the angel in heaven does this service God appears on the cloud upon the mercy seat and the temple in heaven is opened. This produces the cloud that Yeshua comes on in Revelation 14:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, and Acts 1:9-11, and Revelation 1:7. The whole creation is shaken on this day. Only those things which can not be shaken will find shelter. That shelter is only in the Fathers house (the temple). And the only foundation which can't be moved is the ROCK. Hence why we must be planted on the Rock so that we can't be moved on this day. Hebrews 12 talks all about this. Everything else will be shaken on the cloudy day. All the prophets talk about it. Isaiah 24 is a good picture of it. Revelation 3:12 and Revelation 7:15 is the promise and fulfillment of those who can't be shaken on the cloudy day. God bless you my friend. Thank you for the videos. I appreciate them. Amen.
R: Ok, if that's what you want to believe that's up to you. I know how stubborn you guys are when you post videos, you just won't change but since this comment is on this channel, this response is for the benefit of others reading this.
These are holy matters and there's no room for error.
It's clear there are 2 Altars. Incense and Sacrifice.
In Ex 27 and Ezk 43 it's clear the Altar of Sacrifice has 4 Horns.
This we see in Rev 9:13 "the 6th angel (trumpet) sounded, and I heard a Voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God." Here, the 4 Horns are clearly attributes of the Altar of Sacrifice and the 4 Horns have Voices! They are described in Zech 1:18 "Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."
In Rev 6:9 we have the 5th Seal "I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held." Again, this is the Altar of Sacrifice with Voices as described in Heb 12 "offer your bodies a living Sacrifice, wholly, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service."
Rev 16 at the 3rd Bowl it says "And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy."
And I heard another (Voice) of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments
Thus we conclude that the "number of fellowservants" in the 5th Seal is complete and their blood is avenged. But again, this is the Altar of Sacrifice.
In Rev 14:18 we have "another angel (Voice) came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and Cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle"
Again another voice from the altar clearly described as an angel with power over fire like the other angel which had power over water. Just like the 4 Horns are angels that speak, so does this angel give commands over the proceedings.
Therefore, some voices are souls of martyrs, others that of angels but its the Altar of Sacrifice from which they speak.
The Altar of Incense is in Rev 8 reenacting the Day of Atonement. A coal is taken and scattered to the earth which is also observed in Ezek 10:2 when a coal is cast over the city.
Line upon line, precept upon precept, Hebrew and Greek all tell a consistent story.
Unfortunately some just want to show how spiritual they are without regard to the Truth.
For more on the 4 Horns watch: https://youtu.be/U6lGP-s7Jzw - VIDEO: 4 Spirits of Heavens, 4 Horns, 4 Carpenters, Lamb reigns 1260 days Pt6 Apr 8, 2016
And https://youtu.be/wpfxiLMAYeQ - VIDEO: 4 Horns, 4 Angels/Captains and 207,600,000 - 6th Trumpet Army Part 2 Feb 28, 2017
C: Blessings brother Leeland. I'm not in disagreement with you of there being 2 altars on earth. The scriptures are clear that there is. All I said was that there isn't an altar of sacrifice inside the temple of God in heaven. The same pattern exists in the earthly model. The altar of sacrifice is outside of the temple on earth. The altar of sacrifice is fulfilled in Yeshua, hence why He died outside the gates. His blood was brought inside the temple in heaven and has atoned for all who would believe in Him. Also the altar of Incense has 4 horns. The voice from the 4 horns in Revelation comes from the altar of Incense which has 4 horns and is before the throne of God in heaven. I just don't see how you can reconcile there being an altar of sacrifice inside the temple in heaven when A) the earthly model said it was outside of the holy place in the court. B) Yeshua fulfilled the reason for the altar of sacrifice by dying outside the gates of the city in order to make atonement for the redeemed. C) Yeshua entering into the holy place not made with hands with His own blood in order to reconcile us back to the Father, which fulfilled the altar of sacrifice by Yeshua being the altar of sacrifice. Thus there is no literal altar of sacrifice in heaven because Yeshua is the embodiment of it. That is why the altar of sacrifice was contained outside the temple walls in the court before the temple, not inside the temple. Amen.
R: Show me a verse where the 4 horns are on the Altar of Incense?
C: Leeland Jones blessings brother Leeland.
“"Then he shall go out to the altar that is before the LORD and make atonement for it, and shall take some of the blood of the bull and of the blood of the goat and put it on the horns of the altar on all sides.” Leviticus 16:18
“3You shall overlay it with pure gold, its top and around its sides and its horns. And you shall make a molding of gold around it.” Exodus 30:3
“And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your generations: it is most holy unto the LORD.” Exodus 30:10
R: Like I said, show me a verse that says FOUR Horns on the altar of Incense. Four is only associated with the Altar of Sacrifice. An important distinction.
The Temple is not just a building but a complex in which the Altar of Sacrifice is in the perfect center, thus the voices.
Although it has horns, it doesn't say how many but it does with the Altar of Sacrifice. The Four Horns are angels, the army generals in Zech 1.
C: I see your point my friend. I believe the text indicates 4 horns because the Altar of Incense is atoned for "on the horns of the altar on all sides". as Leviticus 16:18 states. We know that the altar of incense was a perfect square shape and a square has 4 sides, hence why we conclude that it had 4 horns. I actually just did a teaching on Zechariah 1 yesterday. If the LORD leads you to take a listen to it, here goes the link:https://youtu.be/jhhJflAtItY - VIDEO: Rapture, Zechariah 1 report, 7 sealed scroll opened, Temple in heaven opened SOON! Feb 8, 2018 (James Smith)
God bless you my friend. King Jesus is coming soon! Amen!
R: This discussion may seem like semantics but it's very critical in understanding the function of what's taking place in the Spirit before the throne. There are people and angels described in the 6th Trumpet.
These are 4 around the altar as represented by the 4 Horns of the altar.
In Ezk the "settle" of the altar is 4 cubits high representing the 4 angelic names of these military leaders:
4 Spirits of the Heavens
4 Horns
4 Carpenters
4 Sore Judgements
In Rev 9 the angels are the "voice from the four horns of the golden altar." They then release these 4 angels/captains who are considered people just like the 12 angels/messengers in New Jerusalem (bride). These would be of the highest rank only behind the 2 Witnesses.
As regarding function, they are guardians like we find in 2 Ki 11:4-11 they are over 1/3 part, compass the King with his weapons from the 4 Corners of the Temple Wall and Altar. Study Ezekiel’s Temple, every time the Temple in Heaven is mentioned in Revelation, it's what Ezekiel saw in the spirit in chapters 40-48.
2 Ki 11:11 "the guard stood, every man with his weapons in his hand, round about the King, from the right corner of the temple to the left corner of the temple, along by the Altar and the Temple."
In Rev 9 it says - 1/3 men killed
Rev 9:15 for to slay the third part of men (at Armegeddon?)
Rev 9:18 By these three was the third part of men killed
Again, in 2 Ki 11 we see the order of 1/3
1/3 enter in on the sabbath as keepers of the watch of the king's house;
1/3 will be at the gate of Sur h5495. סוּר sûr; = "turning aside"
1/3 at the gate behind the guard: so shall ye keep the watch of the house, that it be not broken down.
Clearly we have the Altar of Sacrifice, the Temple, 4 Horns and the 1/3 part of men described perfectly in Rev 9 and 2 Ki 11.
They are also the 4 Carpenters of Zech 1 with the horses and tools described in Zech 10:4 "the corner", "the nail", "the battle bow" and "the taskmaster."
5 "they shall fight, because the Lord is with them, and the riders on horses"
Notice the "corner"? It's because they are the 4 Corners as well.
All these military orders and functions are attributed to the Altar of Sacrifice, not the Altar of Incense. I know you guys like to say "that is this" and "this is that" and "this is that angel" etc. However, you fail to understand how this stuff all works, you have to live it.
https://youtu.be/wVHPtq0CMtc - VIDEO: Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3 Feb 25, 2018
C: Thank you for the teachings brother Leeland. Still doing my studies. Praise God for the revelation that He gives. Everything is being unveiled for the wise to understand the times of the end. Now is the season. His appearing will be shortly! Can't wait! Hallelujah!
Q: Are you one of the two that was spoken of?
A: No
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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