WHO (World Health Organisation) manipulating the people.

3 years ago

In many countries of the world there is a clear agenda to obstruct the use of very successful preventative and early treatment low cost and safe repurposed medications.

To see what your government and its health Authorities are keeping from you as safe options when compared to Vaccines still in their clinical trial phase - go to this link and download the Peer Reviewed Covid19 early Treatment Guide available in the US


There is no need to donate though the people who put this together are fighting Corruption in the Media, Big Tech, Government institutions and Political Corruption. They are also taking on the financial might of Big Pharma who are driving so much of the obstruction for YOU obtaining cheap, safe, non-experimental treatments for Covid19 and YOU who are bign coerced by your Government to partake in Clinical Trials of Vaccines with absolute indemnity to the Big Pharma manufacturers who are making Billions of Dollars from this co-ordinated roll out of a mass clinical trial.

In Australia the TGA, headed by John Skerritt and the National Covid19 Clinical Evidence task force headed by Associate Professor Julian Elliott appear to be the ones happy to rely upon advice from the SIGNIFICANTLY pro vaccine Gates funded World Health Authority (WHO) when it comes to "recommendations" for early treatments of Covid19. It has been said these should be the first people in line for mass law suits against them (personally) , should Australian lives continue to be affected and Australian Lives compromised or lost due to Covid19 and Covid19 Policies guided by their obstructive decisions and advice relating to early treatments used around the world for Covid19.
No Country Health Authority, whether under some binding agreement with the WHO or not should expect to seek shelter from their responsibility to their people to provide access to the world's best practice medical options.

Again please go to
Download the guide.

To those obstructing this type of approach in your Country; hang your heads in shame; it has been said many feel that perhaps with justice prevailing in the end a hanging of your head in shame may not be enough...

The treatment guide is peer reviewed and the Authorities in your Country will know there is no safety issue on which to object to such a guide.
The Authorities in your country will know the medications are very cheap ; far cheaper to implement than the money they are already spending on clinical trial vaccines and far likely less money than the money they are likely setting aside to enforce vaccine passports; which will permanently remove the future freedoms of you and your children future that were in place just before Covid19 and which were fought for by so many generations past.

What is their pay off; could it be keeping their Jobs, Power, Money or some combination; at this point it can't be passed off as simple stupidity.

This video was originally posted end of March 2021
It is placed here due to YouTube's continued policy of removing Medical Experts testimony for Covid19 treatments

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