Cat is intrigued by the Bird sound and try to catch him on the laptop screen

3 years ago

These people wanted to see how a cat would respond to jeers being displayed on a laptop. He was prepared for some action but could not comprehend that the jeer isn't actually there. When the hiss flies out, the cat hunts for it behind the screen. Humoristic!

Kitties are amazing beasts, they're diverting, energetic, and they're the perfect favorites to have. Kitties are really cool! They're also cute, and they love to play! Having a cat is a fantastic and fulfilling experience. Time spent with kitties is nowise wasted! Kitties are really the silliest beasts ever! We can confirm that the range of unbelievable and amazing tapes of kitties, including this bone! Do not you just love them?

Kitties love to have fun, play around with individual and of course they always like a good catch or a chase, yeah if that's virtual, they will do their smart to catch it, because it's in their natural niche

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