I made a little choo-choo train for my Dog

3 years ago

I made a little choo-choo train for my Dog

She looks like he’s nervous that he’s gonna miss his stop and be late for work

shut your mouth and watch premiers in
the bathroom oh yeah you just got back
from twitchcon this past weekend I'm not
saying anything but teamliquid
may or may not have made a very
competitive offer of giving Julian a
free t-shirt so you can say it's getting
pretty serious honestly I'm gonna get
signed any day now word on the street is
that the holdup is that they're they're
just tied up in negotiation so they're
in an intense bidding war for me anyways
we have what you call a cons thickness
we went to a convention and both have
colds something I like to do when I
don't feel that good is watch YouTube I
don't know about you I don't even need
to understand the video do you not know
who this is because you should I can't
speak the language I don't know what
she's doing but I know that we're
spiritually related we found that
channel of that guy that makes knives
out of things that are not metal that's
yeah that's yours
she made a little choo-choo train for
her cats you ever just get inspired by a
cat video and then you're like I wonder
if my dogs will do this no just me I'm
painfully aware of that but anyways I
went IKEA and got some things that I
think are gonna work let's make a
choo-choo train for dogs am i right
fellow adults hers were like clear which
is really cool for cats because they lay
in there like a little fluff ball and
you want to see him obviously but like
these guys are gonna do that well
yelling want to help me do these you're
making me do all this what photography
what are you directing when I brought
this home though peachy the first thing
you did was jump into it
I know marbles as excited too because
those of you that remember what birthday
was out of marbles his ninth birthday or
his tenth birthday we got him a little
rolling suitcase and he like genuinely
likes that so I know what marbles isn't
afraid to like we're gonna go on a
choo-choo chain jealous but it has
arrived hi okay so guess what here's the
thing as much as I know maybe you'd like
all that's very nice peachy as much as I
know that you would like to go for a
ride they don't really make one of these
in your size and I mean that in the
nicest way possible
no she's not thick she's just a very
tall giraffe permit why right off the
table curtain you want to get into or do
you need a hug which is it do you want a
hug get in there with me sweetie what do
you think bud oh you just really are
just like cats huh good when I was doing
this like thinking about it I was like
they're gonna hate it like there's no
way but we're probably gonna keep this
around the we haven't even started the
choo-choo train ride yet bud
just like vibrated into a perfect event
real soccer bit talked a bit soccer bit
it's like having a parrot Julian you're
just like read word and someday it
softer bit top in green hero's video she
used like a ribbon or something to tie
them so we did just that we went to the
fabric store and got ribbon when the
ribbon his no anyways I don't know what
you were expecting when you clicked on
this video but this is about it do you
some scissors for your rivers yes you
know don't
I guess someday we could get like a
wagon to put bunnies wagon in you know
wagon for the wagon there's got to be a
big wagon because she got that wagon I
see stuff out that have you yes
look at this okay that is pretty good
when the concept is hit no no he's not
easy when you're happy sometimes Julian
cute he's like a purple ninja turtle I
could bless was like kind of crooked do
you like it it's just like why I have to
get adopted into this household why is
it sunny t.o.p cheese having such a good
well look at my three cats
it's years turn we can make it white
yeah join them why is bunny here
why is she enjoying this but if you
think this is funny
yeah okay we're making a turkey a little
unfortunately this is pretty much the
only area proud of the train but it's
still fun right it's like going to the
mall if you just ride around on like
really small area the link it's still
ride so you're still having a good time
right and you tell your parents how
grateful you are that they took you to
the ball and then though they didn't
have to up their day off right
is that funny buddy what do you did
funny is that funny yeah it's very
difficult for me to make sense of what's
going on I think Peters trying to get
out at the next stop he's writing it out
you want to get out at the backyard all
right I'll make two stops look at the
front the front yard
get out no I thought you did okay mark
we'll see you having like the best day
your life but you having the best time
but just sitting there if you left none
of them have got now they're just
sitting like why are they all sitting
mother brain too
Oh Pete does he look like that do you
want to get in car leaves all these
things I don't think so
so chop it no not really seen one what
do you think what my guy
it's not a good time yeah I know you
like rolling suitcases so this is kind
of fun you feel special you are
that's why yours has a face all right
where's the stop we're at the station
who wants to get out I'm so happy for
you you know you're pretty easy to make
happy it's like twenty dollars in a
little bed and some wheels and you're
just happy as can be
huh no one got out at the station also
no one paid for their tickets so I'm
running a business here guys can't just
ride the train for free
peach why are you so much in with Kermit
oh right like he is every opportunity
they like to lay down but he likes you
okay sharp turn careful trip to hit
buddy here we go Wow Oh Petey you wanna
get back to yours you what your honor
you want to just follow the chain okay
you can follow the chain yeah
everybody's this is kind of like going
to Disneyland you just ride the teacups
all day except the teacups are going in
a straight line and it's stupid
Petey all nine the heaven winner people
I'm telling you they're like enjoying
please be gentle with the Train it's a
gentle tree not an Aries dream
Julian I see now he wants to get out of
the Train you're breaking the train
trust Julian I'm sorry gentle train
title-track you wants to get out firm
you want to get out get out
he just texted me he's gone Marple still
is actually having fun
Julian no please don't turn
normal slick at you ready to get out
like her me out everyone else got bored
at the train but not you
like I definitely think it's an indoor
train you know like I wouldn't bring
this outside because I feel like there's
potential to flip no have a lot of great
time ten out of ten I think that this
was so worth it and fun did you guys
have a good time yeah and I mean if you
were expecting something else listen
okay you clicked on this video sounds
like a you problem not at me I'm just
over here minding my business do you
want to get out fun ride huh buzz yeah
why are you crying I just made a train
for you I mean you're sad you didn't
like it I don't know you seem like
you're having a good time like not very
long ago bye I made him a train for dogs
there's no one in there right now you
can pull it if you want good girl there
she go good girl yeah you can follow it
there's no one in it go ahead you go
just be careful good girl yeah yeah you
can have the Train I want the whole
Kermit get the whole train yeah okay is
it hard to figure out there you go you
got it
it's your train no no perfect bow your
train here you have it good girl
there you go pull it yeah you got it
I believe in you let's go come on yeah
get it girl well chain yeah for the
record we would never have her pulled
the tree with any dogs in it well
everyone has left me are you at least
proud yeah I actually am like this is
dope it's really cute and fun I really
like cream heroes I like that channel
and I like spiritually connecting with
another person on the Internet even
though they have no idea who I am and
we've never met and we don't speak the
same language we do in fact speak the
same language just remember okay when
you're little and people tell you you
can be anything you want in life I'm
living proof I can be a trained dog lady
sometimes it's just a little vague in
the beginning but you'll figure it out
alright guys one last train ride prick
today and then I'll put the Train away
okay thank you yes okay make sure you
subscribe to my channel or definitely
not I won't know either way
bunny next time you gonna make you a
giant train girl for that way I give no

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