Chauvin convicted, what BLM/Mob will do next, word to Police, & pray together for USA

3 years ago

We are going to pray at the end for Jesus Christ to save America. And the best thing that you can do for America and in Jesus’s Name is just skip to the end where the prayer begins and just join in prayer. That’s the most powerful thing you can do here - in Jesus name.

We’re going to talk about what the commies and BLM and the terrorists pretending to be a political movement, BLM and antifa and their evil ilk, what they’re gonna do next in reaction to the officer Chauvin being convicted.

America isn’t sick and wounded because it “is bad,” or because it’s people “are bad.”

No, America is wounded and sick because Satanist-Communists are working very hard to attempt to kill, poison, and wound the United States of America from within. America is their target unlike almost any other country, because America stands for Yahweh God, and for His Son Jesus Christ the Savior, and for Their Eternal Kingdom of Heaven... which itself stands for Freedom.

We’re gonna talk about the police force’s naïve and idealistic viewpoint of “not getting political” and being “neutral“ when those who write their paychecks are not neutral, are criminally intent upon erasing the constitution, And when the communists have no problem being in charge of the lawmaking and also joining the police force and being political/ideological.

And we are going to pray at the end for Jesus Christ to save America. And the best thing that you can do for America and in Jesus’s Name is just skip to the end where the prayer begins and just join in prayer. That’s the most powerful thing you can do in Jesus name.

You can’t claim that there’s any rhyme or reason or representation or justice or validity in the justice system when you’re packing the supreme court with 19 communists, openly about communist CCP-loving supreme court judges, when will the state and federal justice systems are intent on erasing the bill of rights, and when there’s no real transparent or accountable voting system .... and it’s all run by computers and falsified with fraud, when elections are rigged, when one side’s votes get deleted and the other side’s votes get multiplied in a computer system that’s connected to the Internet.

We have a banana republic and one side can never win, and you have two parties that are actually just one unified party in disguise, it’s just a banana republic: there is no real republic, there is no democracy, there is no representation, there is no suffrage. The social contract has been irrevocably broken.

When you have justices who are being threatened and coerced to make unjust decisions, when you have other justices that actively make unjust and evil decisions against the law itself, just because it’s their opinion that they hate the constitution....When you have politicians openly selling out the country to China and the CCP, and when you have a violent and dangerous mob of agencies and corporate interests who are actively threatening peoples’ families to force them to coerce and comply or else, so as to let the communism roll onward. When this is happening you can’t say that the system is valid anymore. But it’s not the Communists were right, it’s the communist who are the problem. It’s also say the system is not valid, but they’re stupid and wrong and evil they in fact are the ones who are breaking the system. They’re the ones who are gaming the system. When will the police wake up and realize that they can’t be neutral when it’s them who has one side of the chessboard. You can’t be neutral when you’re the one playing chess! You have to try to win! You have to stand your ground! You can’t win at chess checkers or soccer through neutral inaction and impassivity.

Ever since January 6 we don’t have an elected legitimate government: we have a regime, we don’t have an administration we have a regime. we are being ruled through force, we didn’t elect the people who are in there anymore. There’s no more representation, either simple-democratic or republican-democratic or otherwise, there’s no more constitution: that has been gone out the window there’s no one going to follow any rules anymore. They’ve “made murder legal,” they can do what they want and all the rest of us are just slaves for them to abuse and misuse as they please. The confederate Democrats have gotten their revenge. The Democrats of today are the same political party which fought the Civil War against America. The same.

There were no mass shootings and politicized shootings every single day when Trump was in charge, because all this killing starts when the Democrats take power - because now they are in charge of the agencies and they can do what they want. Now they have the resources to cover their tracks.

Under Trump there were no shootings every day because the left are the ones orchestrating it. It’s a bunch of MK ultra and false flaggery, kind of like the rocket that fell down on Nashville Tennessee and exploded a server farm full of evidence about voter fraud right when it was about to be subpoenaed. Real people are hurt, but it’s being orchestrated by those in power, for power.

Why did trump abandon us?
Only Jesus can say.

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