E36: Tim Taule talks about joining the Army's 82nd Airborne after 9/11 at the age of 35

3 years ago

War stories with Tim Taule former member of the Army's 82nd Airborne. What makes someone put their civilian life on hold at the age of 35 and enlist in the Army's 82nd Airborne after 9/11? Tim Taule is just one of those patriots. SEE CORRECTION STATEMENT BELOW. Tim put his civilian life on hold for 3 years and did tours of duty to Afghanistan and Iraq. It's an interesting perspective from someone who having never thought about the military felt the need to join and contribute to the war effort between 2003 and 2005. Some personal accounts of combat and the bizarre dichotomy that is life in a war zone. Enjoy!
(***CORRECTION*** In the interview while discussing Tim winning the Army's "Soldier of the Year" award, both Tim and Rainman were mistaken as to the number of soldiers he competed against; the number was closer to 3,000; still impressive in my book; please choke this brain fart up to the fact that we've both been out of the military for almost 15 years each and have brain dumped bits of info like unit personnel sizes; I apologize in advance for the error-Rainman's Take)

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