Woodworking Videos on YouTube Episode 3

3 years ago

This series identifies great videos you may have missed because they were produced by "small" channels on YouTube. We try to identify the best woodworking videos on YouTube. These woodworking videos on YouTube are made to communicate and entertain the viewers on woodworking techniques, tools, and shop improvements. The identified woodworking videos can be viewed on YouTube free of charge. These are some of the best woodworking videos that Married Man Woodworking can identify. When you view these videos and YouTube channels, you will probably find woodworking projects for gifts, woodworking projects that sell well, woodworking projects to sell on Esty, woodworking projects with scrap wood, weekend woodworker projects, and you may find that these are some of the best woodworking videos for beginners. These videos are full of woodworking tips and hacks. Other content includes posts on social media sites to enhance the entertainment value of this video. In other words, we are just trying to have fun and possibly help you find some videos and channels. Enjoy.

For your reference:
Remember: Safety is your responsibility. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGZss-Zmn9MkQA2nvXv4Ww

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/marriedmanwood?lang=en

My Email: marriedmanwoodworking@gmail.com

Project Video of the week – Norton Woodworks brings us an end table build. https://youtu.be/RPLUL9u4bNs

Woodworking Techniques Video of the Week – The Morgan Hurst Redridge Company Channel https://youtu.be/OIHeLyYlEmU

Tool Review Videos of the Week – The Drunk Carpenter brings us a review of the Black and Decker Jigsaw. https://youtu.be/N_oWcGFLm7I

Big Woods Woodworking Reviews Kreg jig – https://youtu.be/t4pCKBOqdJg

4321 Woodworking brings us a review of the Banks bradnailer https://youtu.be/wGiIVz-bGcQ

Cool Tool Video of the Week – JLD Woodworks brings us the Ridgid oscillating belt/spindle
sander. https://youtu.be/NM4fjyTLLRs

Woodworking Shop Videos of the Week –

Stoner Ericson brings us a hack to improve dust collection on the Miter Saw. https://youtu.be/PazXLgRCpIE

Quarter Sawn brings us a $3 dust collection upgrade to his miter saw. https://youtu.be/yu01IfQHeFc

Instagram Post of the Week comes from Graff Woodshop – Video is here: https://youtu.be/uwLirpqX-Q4

Home Project Video of the Week – Cars and Cratsman brings is a the cheapest smartlock. https://youtu.be/N2sE26r3jlk

Simple Project Video: The Will to Make channel brings us a detailed video on how to make
raised garden beds out of cedar fence pickets. https://youtu.be/o980UTPGvFQ

The Will to Make simple sandpaper shelf Video: https://youtu.be/Vi63v04WKZk

Highlighted Channel of the Week: Log House Farm https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ZEznBTjPqb6dcptC1qjxg

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