Your dog will never give up trying to befriend an angry cat

3 years ago

Faline is a beautiful dog with a personality to match. She has a love for people and all animals and her heart is as big as Texas, where she actually lives, at the Black Dog Farm and Rescue. She tries in the most adorable way to befriend these cats at the farm, as she tries to befriend all of the newcomers. She is like the welcoming committee, even though it is not always as well received as Faline hopes for. Black Dog Farm and Rescue began with Faline. This loveable soul was the first rescue, but she was also doing some rescuing herself.

Jennifer and Jim run the rescue operation and they got Faline out of the need to provide her with a safe home, but also to help their son who suffers with autism. He needed a companion like Faline. Jennifer was also suffering from some health problems and the love that Faline provided instantly made all of their situations much more comfortable. Faline was the perfect fit for their family.

As other animals found their way to Jennifer and Jim's homes, they opened their hearts and began helping cats, dogs, and other animals. They were growing and they needed to find a bigger place fix what they had discovered was a bigger problem than first realized. More animals needed shelter and love than they had ever imagined. Faline was doing her job to welcome all the newcomers with charm and enthusiasm that could not have been better.

Jennifer and Jim moved to Texas and opened their farm up to cows, chickens, and almost any other animal in need. They take the animals with medical issues or problems that others are not willing or able to help with. It is the most desperate of cases that find their way to this wonderful sanctuary.

In typical fashion for Faline, she can be seen here trying adorably to play with the cats at the farm. She imitates their movements and lifts her paws as if this is a game, but the cats are not as amused as she is. She never gives up and she turns on the charm while she tries to approach them. If they will allow it, she will also cuddle up close for some affection, but that opportunity eludes her most days.

Black Dog Farm and Rescue can be found on Facebook, YouTube, and Rumble. Their posts and videos are heartwarming, funny, occasionally sad, but always worth following. And of course, they gratefully accept donations for food and medical care to help them accomplish the magic that happens in this wonderful place.

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